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Author | Topic: Your Music Love Affairs |
hobbes629 Squishite |
![]() Jeff Buckley whispers sweet-boy things in my ear, and kisses my neck. Then suddenly he's upset and I'm upset and we're yelling and crying... but then just as quickly, its quiet again and he's licking my ear. Fiona Apple and Tori Amos and I all hang out together. We have marathon conversations where we break each others hearts with our stories and we yell and cry and eat Soy Delicious together. Erykah Badu and I dance in my living room together, we flirt, but we never so anything about it. Shaggy and I have crazy fun good friend sex all over the house. The Violent Femmes are my best guy friends. We get drunk and jump around and yell things at people passing by. Nirvana was my high school boyfriend who I'll always love, because you never love anyone quite that way again. Jim Morrison shows up about once a year, we drink whiskey, and have loud, hard sex on the kitchen floor. Lauryn Hill and I are engaged. Creedence Clearwater Revival and I have fast, dirty sex in the cab of an eighteen wheeler in rest stop at 6 in the evening. The Grateful Dead likes to chill out and drink cheap beer in my parents back yard. [This message has been edited by hobbes629 (edited June 11, 2001).] [This message has been edited by hobbes629 (edited June 11, 2001).] IP: Logged |
datura Squishite |
![]() David Usher (Moist) and I have a really complicated relationship. He’ll knock at my door in the middle of the night, injured and needy and no matter what I’m doing or if I’m involved with someone else, I will drop everything for him. He’s crazy, cruel and I hate him, but when it comes to his beauty, his words, and his body, I’m just as needy as he is. I tape up his wounds, and then we have intense, hot sex on my living room floor, but I try to be gentle with him because I know that he’s hurting. In the morning we don’t say anything and he leaves. When I see him again with the rest of the band, he barely acknowledges me and it kills me inside. But the next time he needs me, I'll be there. Dar Williams comes over to my house and we sit on the front veranda on breezy summer afternoons and drink herbal tea. We laugh and cry and tell stories about the heartache that we see in the world and how much we wish we could help. We go on road trips and sing loudly with all the windows rolled down. We covertly smoke cigarettes because even though we’re good girls, we enjoy being bad every once in a while. We understand each other and that hugs are the best gift in the world. Destiny’s Child and I get dressed up in insanely high-heeled shoes and skimpy outfits and hit every single club in town until dawn. We drink until we get the giggles and shake our bootys, and they laugh at my flat little white ass. Beyonce and I compete to see who can be the bigger diva. All my friends hate my new girl pals and have told me to shut up about how much fun they are. Air and I lie around talking about everything and anything. They never laugh at my bad French and they understand true love. We hold hands on the subway and smile at each other like we’re twelve year olds. Everything else fades into a blur of colour and mood when we’re together. We’re so quiet that no one notices how completely happy we are. [This message has been edited by datura (edited June 12, 2001).] IP: Logged |
JoyfulJenn Squishite |
![]() oh,my...my affairs have been long and many..but i shall share them with you. at times,it's a bit hard for me to talk about them,but maybe if i share my experiences.... ![]() there's miss difranco,first and foremost...ani and i have been together for over a year..we talk,and she always gives me hugs and rubs my back and tells me that things are going to be alright. we cry together,laugh together,have sex together...and when i'm really upset,we drink coffee and throw things together and laugh. ani and i will be together for a long time to come. jeff buckley and i have a new relationship,and it's one that i'm growing quite comfortable in...i absolutely adore him. we go for walks in the rain together and hold hands and he picks flowers to put in my hair and will touch my lips with his fingers before he kisses them. at night,he holds me in his arms just keeping me close to him and singing softly to me until i fall asleep and right before i drift off,he'll kiss my forehead and whisper how much he loves me.he even gets up in the morning to make me coffee and toast.we like to sit out on the verandah and write together and i just look at him sometimes,mesmerized. the counting crows (or more specifically,adam duritz) and i have an on again,off again relationship. we'll go through periods where we can't get enough of each other and we'll have sex and go crazy and kiss and cuddle and all of that,and then he disappears for a month or two at a time..he confuses me sometimes,but he's always beautiful. coldplay and i are getting close,only because i could watch them play for hours. the sex is mediocre,but the music is damn good. i suppose that's all that matters,hmm? melissa ferrick and i are girlfriends...i don't think i've ever had sex like i've had with her..she's damn good. we do it anywhere and everywhere. she makes me laugh and helps me to rock out and be hardcore and when i'm sad,she'll sit and play for me for hours and i am totally amazed just watching her pound away on her guitar. we like to go clubbing together and sometimes when we get in fights,i'll find her later that night just sitting at the bar,chain smoking and drunk off of her ass,and i have to end up carrying her out in my arms. edie carey and i have a constant close friendship...she's my best friend,actually. at times we drink a little too much and it goes too far,but we get up in the morning and go back to being best friends. we try not to push things too far. she's just beautiful,though... tegan and sara and i have threesomes. that's all there is to it. ben harper and i make love on the weekends or when i'm in a really mellow mood. i'll call him up and be like,"benben,how about you head on over and we'll just..hang out" and he knows..yes,ladies and gents,he knows that there'll be some love-making going down. we like to go to the market together and get vegetables and we cook dinner together sometimes. greg brown and i have a relationship like the one i have with ben. soft love making. and sometimes i make him just sit and talk to me...just that voice...gah... i've had various one night stands with erykah badu,lauryn hill,dave matthews,jason mraz,the dixie chicks,natalie imbruglia,and sarah mclachlan. i remain friends with them to this day. close friends,even.... i'd like to say that i have had some bitter relationships with celine dion and hanson[/i]... [This message has been edited by JoyfulJenn (edited June 12, 2001).] IP: Logged |
PearlyBaker Squishite |
![]() I am currently having a very intense love affair with Eve 6. I am in love with Max Collins. I would love him even if he sang Beatles covers. There are some GREAT close-up Max shots in the video for "Here's To The Night". I lust for him. IP: Logged |
sallyryde Forum Diva |
![]() quote: See, Ferrick and I have an understanding. When she's on the road, I don't claim her because I know she loves the attention and she's more woman than I can handle. But when she drives all night back to see me, well, let's just say she doesn't have to fake it. Lucinda Williams and I are currently having a very laid back, hot summer affair with lots of smoking and whiskey and sweat. Too bad she'll be itching to get back to Baton Rouge before too long. Still, I'll enjoy it while it lasts. SR IP: Logged |
JoyfulJenn Squishite |
![]() quote: Yea,I know what you mean...Melissa and I have had that conversation a few times,ourselves...it's really hard,you know,but..sometimes it's like a live action version of "drive",if you know what i mean,which i'm sure you do...we've agreed that we'll never be monogamous. but damn,when we get together,we get together... glad to hear about you and lucinda. i have that kind of relationship with van morrison,right now,i almost forgot about him. IP: Logged |
MoonlightAndBlood Squishite |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Trent Reznor--yum yum.Whenever I see the closer video,where he's all tied up in that bondage;I just take complete advantage of him.I could just lock myself up in a room with him and fuck him forever. IP: Logged |
orange Squishite |
![]() Weezer is my best friend who moved away when I was a sophomore in high school. We kept in touch for the past five years or so. He recently moved back to town. He's a little different. We've been hanging out a lot lately, and we like to reminisce about the good ol' days. We like to go to the arcade with Garbage and kick little kids asses at Dance Dance Revolution. Garbage is my best girl friend. We met in 8th grade Home EC. She made the cool coin purse in class. She went through a phase thinking she was the biggest badass, but I knew she was pretty fragile inside. A lot of guys are intimidated by her. Girls don't really like her because they think she's kind of slutty and bitchy. Her and Weezer kind of clashed at first, but I forced them to hang out. Radiohead is the quiet guy in class. The one no one really pays attention to. The one who occasionally speaks up in class, and everyone turns around to stare at the guy with the soft voice. I worked with him on a project once. He's a pretty interesting guy and I want to get to know him more. I kind of remember the Violent Femmes from high school. We didn't hang out, but I saw them at parties. They always looked like they were having fun. We ended up going to the same college. We like to hang out and party together. The Backstreet Boys was my not so secret obsession through most of high school. I liked him because I thought he was really sweet. Then I realized he's just a pretty boy who works at Hallmark. Now he's my embarassing crush I don't want to admit liking. IP: Logged |
Lindsay Squishite |
![]() Weezer is my baby boy, all grown up and doing well, but I'm still protective of him. I'm proud of him and I love him dearly. Air comes over to cook me dinner and then ends up staying all night, alternatively talking with me and making out with me. We watch the sun rise. The Kings of Convenience and I have serious crushes on each other, and we write pen-pal love letters across the Atlantic. Isaac Stern only has to play a few notes on his violin before I'm in a puddle... and he knows it. Badly Drawn Boy and I like to take walks together, talking about everything. We usually end up sharing a bottle of wine once we decide to sit down, too. IP: Logged |
kibbie Forum Whore |
![]() *sigh* At night Brandon from Incubus comes and sings to me in bed, and makes me cry. Then he cuddles with me and its all okay again. BareNaked Ladies are my best guy friends. They're there when Brandon's gone. *N Sync sneaks me into dance clubs friday nights and dirty dances with me til 2am. They don't care about the age difference. D'Angelo calls at odd times of the day and night and sings me love songs for hours. Fiona Apple goes window shopping with me on rainy Saturday afternoons and dances across the street with me. Then we get some coffee, and walk around town. Boys in cars yell at us. Jay Kay from Jamiroquai comes over when I'm bored and makes me dance in my bedroom. He says I'm beautiful and that he wants to make sweet love to me. Then we dance some more, and he tries to get me into bed. *sniff* [Edited to tell about Jay Kay] [This message has been edited by kibbie (edited June 13, 2001).] IP: Logged |
vileangel Squishite |
![]() When I was a teenager, I realized that Chrissie Hynde was my big sister. She loved me so much, she even wrote Message of Love for me to play at my wedding. Best of all, she incoporated a paraphrase of Oscar Wilde in it, just because she knew how much I loved him, too. Then INXS and U2 came along. All my friends told me I couldn't date them both at the same time. I would have to pick one or the other. They would stand outside my bedroom window and serenade me all night, dueling for my heart. I admired U2 for earnestness and politics, but eventually, they broke my heart by going all slick and cheesy and seeing other, more sparkly girls. INXS consoled me by not really changing all that much, and keeping me out all hours drinking and dancing. the The were the strangest feeling I'd ever had. Matt still comes over sometimes. We crawl into bed and remember the illness he had that spawned Infected--I brought him chicken soup and aspirin. I've been painting toenails with the Spice Girls, and none of my friends understand it at all. X took me out to all sorts of new, grotty places, we still see each other on and off, but they can't get over my intense hatred of LA and I can't get over their love of it. Nick Cave. Oh Nick. We can only see each other in the dark. He will not shut. up. and his voice keeps whispering in my ear--when he's not screaming down the back of my neck. I spurned Depeche Mode everytime they called until they rang me up with Violator. Now I spend lots of nights checking the caller ID when Nick's not home, seeing if DM has called again. [This message has been edited by vileangel (edited June 13, 2001).] IP: Logged |
cloonez Hardcore Squishite |
![]() Pamie, your entry made me blush ![]() I'm addicted to my girlfriend Ani Difranco. We've been together for nearly 7 years now, and we've seen each other through so much. I've watched her fall in love with a boy, make it big(gish) and change her sound radically. She's watched me fall in love with a girl, go through puberty, shave my head, and grow out of my early man-hating "feminism". At times we have disagreements (like the electric version of "Out of Range", for example), but we always manage to work through them. We have an open relationship because she's on the road so much, but we can't ever get enough of one another. She knows exactly what I need, and how to give it to me, but we're always trying new things. The Lowest of the Low and I are having a long fling. We spend weeks together at a time, non-stop, and never tire of one another. We have fun doing all sorts of crazy things, and our relationship is like a montage in a movie. Still, at the end of a long day together being goofy, Ron and I can sit down and have a serious talk, and he'll hold me and make me feel as though there's no one else in the world who can understand what I'm going through, and then make me laugh until I cry. I'm just really good friends with Eddie From Ohio. We tried to go the romance route, but we're much better off in a platonic way. We can sit in the park for hours on end, laughing our heads off and being silly and hypothetical, and never run out of things to say. Japancakes and I make slow, lazy love to one another, and then lie in one another's arms for hours afterward. Still, whenever I wake up, I wake up alone, with a tired grin from ear to ear. I used to be best friends with Lisa Loeb, and we had kind of the same thing going that she had with Desire. We haven't seen each other in a while, though. I think I'll ring her tonight. What The Barenaked Ladies and I have is a really great friendship. We tried to turn it into more, but it was too wierd. We've been Just Friends for some time now, and I couldn't be happier. IP: Logged |
cricket Superstar |
![]() I had a very intense affair with Janis Joplin for a summer and we still get together for whiskey sours every once in awhile. I had sex with Creed once (only once) right after I heard "With Arms Wide Open" but I have been too ashamed to admit it. Because I hate Creed. I was drunk, what can I say? Currently I have a secret crush on Lifehouse. I want Lifehouse to come into my room at night and ravish me wildly for hours and then whisk me away to a beach in Greece. I think Lifehouse is hot, but feel guilty about that. Britney Spears is my bitch. Enya makes long, slow love to me every night, except when Enigma comes over. Train, Coldplay and I have been meeting for drinks after work lately. We have fun, but I am not sure how long it will last. The Beastie Boys and I had a very fun fling in high school that lasted for a very, very long time. Now, when I am sad or depressed or upset, the Beasties come over and we have crazy sex and then I feel better. Moby and I used to have a lot of fun together. We would dance and dance and dance, but then we did too much E and now I associate Moby with coming down and bad rolls and stuff. I think of him wistfully, but it is easier on me to just not see him anymore. I lost my virginity to Led Zepplin IP: Logged |
Meghead The Egghead Squishite |
![]() The Backstreet Boys were my first boyfriends. I had a crush on them before I saw them just because of what I'd heard, but they turned out to be gorgeous. We got together about four and a half years ago. We used to have clumsy but earnest teenager sex and then cuddle. Whenever I was upset, they would let me cry, hugging me and telling me they loved me, and then bring me ice cream. They also taught me how to dance. Everything I know about shaking my booty, I learned from them. Emotionally and physically it was a really great relationship, but I realized that I wanted someone I had more in common with intellectually. So, we don't have sex anymore. Every now and then Nick kisses me, and it's hard to resist the temptation but I have to tell him that's the most we can do right now. We still hang out and eat ice cream and watch chick movies, and they're the first people I call if I'm sick. I think we're just supposed to be really good friends, not soulmates, so I'm happy with the way things are now. Still, sometimes I miss the way they cuddle. Matthew Good (of the Matthew Good Band) can be held mostly responsible for stealing me away from the Backstreet Boys. He was angry and cynical, but at the same time he was poetic and brilliant and capable of being romantic when the mood struck him. I loved him from afar for a long time because I was afraid of him, but as soon as I decided to try and get to know him better things got intense. He's moody and emotional, but I'm that way too, and I feel less strange about it knowing he's the same way. I like to think I bring out his softer side. We've cried late into the night, and sat on the roof talking and debating for hours. After just being friends for a while, we started having sex last summer, and it's been fantastic. We're going to do it in public on July 7. I can't wait! I met the Barenaked Ladies through someone I used to like. They're still around. He's not. BNL are my best guy friends. They're fun to be around, but they have an unexpected serious side too. We like to dance badly around my bedroom and go out and eat fast food and hang around in used CD stores. When we're together in public, everyone looks at us strangely because we're so loud. They can offer me serious advice whenever I need it, but mostly they're all about making me feel better and offering me lessons in smartassedness. IP: Logged |
CaseK Science is Tight |
![]() Rereading this thread, it is now clear to me why Trent Reznor's hair always looks like he just got out of bed. It's because he did just get out of bed. You people are going to run the man into an early grave. IP: Logged |
CaseK Science is Tight |
![]() Oh lord. I just realized that I forgot some of my best guy friends: Big Sandy and His Flyrite Boys. They're not a love affair, exactly. We love each other madly, but there's no romance or sex between us. He's the shit, though, and nobody better say different or I'll have to kick some ass. IP: Logged |
Cinnamon Squishaholic |
![]() George Michael is the Will to my Grace. We have an apartment together, and we have breakfast each morning. He makes me coffee and I make him fresh-squeezed orange juice. He shows me things in the newspaper that he thinks I'll like, and I buy him cards and leave them around the house for him to find. I brush my teeth while he shaves, and we're comfortable enough with each other to use the bathroom while the other is showering. At night, we eat ice cream from the carton and watch the soaps that we taped that day. We dish about our dates together, and he's always tells me if I look fat in a pair of pants. He mixes a wicked margarita, and he's my best friend. IP: Logged |
NemesisVex Squishite |
![]() At the moment, Duran Duran and I are going through a trial separation. Our interests are just no longer congruous, let alone parallel, so our marriage of a good 15 years looks like its on the fritz. While that's happening, I've been dating others. For the past three years, I had something really serious going on with Cocco, and it sort of led to my trial separation with DD. Thing is, she called it off when she announced her retirement back in February. Right now, I've been hanging out with a woman named UA, and she's been very good to me. She's a bit more mature than Cocco, so I think there's some stability. I've also been flirting with Shéna Ringö and Van Tomiko of Do As Infinity. Emmylou Harris and I still see each other once in a while, but when I want to get something quick, dirty and kinky, I'll have a dalliance with an occassional boy band -- LFO, 98 Degrees, BBMak. I don't return any calls from 'NSync or those Backstreet Boys. Yuk. Kronos Quartet, John Zorn -- I say we're more like friends nowadays. There was a time I was totally devoted to them, but then they started to get a bit too intense for me, so I had to back off. Number Girl -- they're my drinking buddies. IP: Logged |
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