ok, lazy me has finally decided to start my journal entries about my trip to italy. i am taking them straight from my journal with minimal editing... so beware! my first entry is about venice. we mainly hung around in piazza del san marco when we were on our guided part of the tour. this was where i had my first taste of gelato (italian ice cream) and damn was it good! i also had a margherita pizza (not to be confused with the drink!) which was absolutely delicious! their cheese is sooooo much better than ours. the bridge of sighs was kinda creepy. that's where prisoners crossed to get from the Dogi palace to the prison. the bell tower was very beautiful though i didn't go in it. Niki and i were up to no good at the time as you'll read. my only regret is that i didn't get a picture or email address from marco. he was the coolest person me and niki met during the whole trip. we both definitely want to go back to venice soon. we need to see marco again, haha, and shop at the cool store and the super mercato. good point: actual fresh fruit. if it was a day old, it was like half off
bad point: $0.50 per public bathroom use! unless you ate at a restaurant.
Lindsey's Italian Trip
02:05 AM CST
the pidgeons must die. they suck. i liked the digital fire and water art display. strawberry slushies & martini is a very good combination. the best was marco's toy shop. he had that semi long floppy black hair and a goatee. very bubbley. he's into lord of the rings. he gave niki and i directions to the temple of isis. very cool witchcraft store. i must buy a book by il gatto nero. the first was on the occult and the second was on witchcraft. i bought tarot cards (the words are all in italian) but niki's are made in italy. for future reference: to get to marco's toy shop go under the black (blue) clock thingy/archway and turn right on the second turn. pass the bar and pizza and mcdonald's trash can. make left then go over the bridge by the trash can and near the punk t-shirt store is marco's. for the temple of isis you pass marco's and go all the way to the rialto bridge. hang a left after the t-shirt stand and go straight. it will take a long ass time to get to campo san polo (this journey began in piazza del san marco). stick to the left side of the square and go down the alley [very narrow with jewelry shops] making the first right you can. make the second right and down the narrow alley is the store.
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That's the Doge's palace, not the Dogi palace :)
- 07.25.2001
11:32 AM - David
she wasn't going for accuracy she told me.
don't worry. I know you're just teasing ;)
- 07.25.2001
06:44 PM - Amber
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