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Can you believe I never had high expectations of my sixteenth birthday? none at all?
Perfect Teenhood
08:20 PM CST

#1 Sixteen Candles
Yeah. even when, in Spanish class freshmen year, I saw this hispanic girl show pictures from her Quinceanera, I didn't think about the equivalent for americans (I *did* wish I was hispanic after watching the movie dealing with that type o' celebration in the same class later that semester; *just slightly*). the *big* sweet sixteen. nope. I feared driving, so a car was out of the question (I practiced in parking lots all mariokart style - oh yes, kicking up dust sort o' drivin' - let's just say I was afraid to combat the roads considering my driving skills on Mariokart involved lots of bumping into other carts, so who's to say I wouldn't kill people on the road?). I wasn't big on parties by this time. well, not really. I did have a sleepover for my fifteenth ..yeah. that was semi-memorable though nothing ecstatic happened (I wrote about this here).
I was pretty much not set on anything. all I recall was abit beforehand, on my bday, when I talked to my best friend Teri on the phone. that was the day she read a book and got brainwashed therefore attempting to burn her Marilyn Manson cd. I recall hearing the running water and the fizzling noise that sounded like cooking. there was a different tone to her voice than I've ever heard previous. I was abit afraid. I kept staring out the window at the neighbour's house. the yard. across the street. guy friend appeared in the window seat while I was still standing in astonishment. he wanted to know what was going on, but I wasn't allowed to tell. at this point, for the first time in awhile, I realised she may ruin my bday. the *important* bday. never before had I considered it important at all, but since she was acting weird and sounded like she'd flake out on hanging out, I got scared. I had to think of a way to convince her out of her trance. at this point, she was telling me we couldn't listen to rap in the car anymore cause it was evil. I piped in that her music was probably evil, too. she said yes it was and therefore there would be no listening of any music in the car. I could still hear the water running in the background as she cursed her efforts mentioning she ended up singeing the booklet, but the disc wouldn't burn!
Teri had gotten in moods before, but not in awhile. usually her moods consisted of being funny, but in a weird way like the day before she was to move back to Virigina when we were in third grade? she talked about white farts, invisible farts and well, different variations. I recall laughing till I was rolllling on the floor. anyway, I usually suspect when she is being weird, it means something is going to happen that isn't pleasant. I bet this time it had to do with her mom's new boyfriend and the moving into his house that took place the summer after that school year (since my bday is during the last couple weeks of school, I figure it must've had to do with this though I didn't put much thought into it).
Well, she had to go when I mentioned whether she was still dropping by despite the book dilemma. guy friend still sat on the cushion with an enquiring look on his face or so I remember in my mind. I make everything more dramatic than it probably was due to not remembering the exact reactions.
After about fifteen minutes she was at the door, car running and throwing a card at me sayin' she was ready to go. the book dilemma was over it seemed. she was acting like her old self. guy friend, I think, had to go skating with friends, so we didn't take him with us. we just drove off down the street waving bye to him. rap was turned on upon my request without anymore talk about the book and values. I was afraid that book converted her on the phone earlier.
We ended up at Putt Putt. I kept score. I recall getting one hole in one which Teri was discouraged about even though it was my day. I smiled and kept the paper. I don't know what happened to it at this point though. we drove around into the night, over the bridge in NASA where the shuttle statues are. I recall they were glowing in the darkness sort've. maybe I am recalling it differently. anyway, we continued to drive with me waving my hands out the window and through the sun roof I think. the music was blasting something ghetto. probably dj screw ...I do not recall. I just know that lil' keke and dj screw were played alot and for some reason I liked it. anyway, I screached in joy realising I didn't need anything big. that this was enough. I wasn't even upset that guy friend wasn't there like he was on my fifteenth bday (to my knowledge I didn't even consider anything special happening between us this time; I was too concerned about Teri to think of anything else). I was just happy that we were together and the book thing was over. later on she began to act strange again, but not till after her trip to Virginia to see her former stepdad that summer in August. I still wonder why she went there.
This was before things fell apart. this surpassed the big flop of my seventeenth bday. I'm content that my *big* bday wasn't totally small afterall.
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