Never Go Back To Not Speaking Again
04:04 AM CST
Yessuh, here they are cause I'm sure you're all very curious:

Hm, yes, what you may not notice from the photos is that I was wearing bright berry lipstick. that shit took forever to wipe off. I think I still look like I had some pink lemonade recently or something. ah well. oh yes, that whole outfit was very expensive if you didn't know. I am very pleased with it though ...HAH!
Some rather odd dreams this morning during the storm. one involving dipping my face in chili and then trying to wipe it off with a billion stacks of napkins. afterwards, someone gave me a creepy doll which I tried to stuff in a corner of my purse. at the point of waking up, I was in the middle of the mall shoving the doll's head in as someone said it didn't seem it would fit with the other dolls.
My head is rather heavy. stupid sinuses and runny nose.
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