Beyond that mishap of not recalling at all, it's basically time for the usual editing marathon of not so fun excitement.....
First off, let's start off with the year in review which isn't much considering I didn't accomplish much:
*finally got my hair cut in a salon after a long while in March
*changed the forum layout and learned alot o' hacks ..that was exciting
*started my routine of reading outside in the patio chair which I hadn't used since I got it on my bday the previous year
*had a long session of 'sick' sessions - the usual, 'may die; don't feel great' moods
*finally got to meet a certain someone after what felt like many years
*fixed myself abit and wasn't as scared of death in general; I used to think about it too often like I was extremely old or something
*went to B&N thrice during the summer which is quite an accomplishment in terms of going somewhere a certain amount of times in succession since well, high school (I went to the mall every weekend back then, okay?). once was to use my gift card, secondly to finish off my gift card, and thrice-ly, when lindsey and them were visiting as a means to funtimes
*went downtown in August after not seeing it since well, that cab ride from the airport almost three years ago; I don't count that though cause we didn't explore the streets, we just saw the outline as we erm, zoomed past it
*tried to continue going out in small amounts by visiting the pool every so often up till it got too cold
*gave up (not on purpose; just something that occurred over months of just not desiring the need to go anywhere) therefore spending numerous amounts o' time inside; only stepping outside to get packages and on the back porch area occasionally
*continued listing stuff on eBay to make some money
*got kissed!
*annnnnd now I sit here feeling just atad better; just atad