Tuesday, December 31, 2002
My mind is certainly slipping. it's one of those days; for one, the ball does not drop at midnight our time in Times Square; it drops at 11pm cause of the time difference. what a way to end the year! wheee! more »
Saturday, December 28, 2002
My emotions have been up and down lately (perhaps it's getting close to the time though it seemed like I just had one; oh well) plus I just realised I'm nobody's type; not even my own really. more »
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Abit ago I had some wild rice soup and pretended it was wedding soup. one of the pieces of chicken looked like a crouton if I focused really closely. more »
Monday, December 23, 2002
Today some good happened. I got my achewood merchandise which I will provide photos to within the entry and um, yeah I got some other stuff I didn't take pictures of that I'll talk about. beyond that there was a storm and there was mopey me. wahoo! more »
Saturday, December 21, 2002
There have been alot of irritants the past few days. small ones, but they're there. for starters, the blemish next to my left nostril. whenever I wiggle my nose, it hurts. more »
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Drowned. Rat. that's sort've how I feel. sticky moments after a shower, greasy hair, slick skin, chapped lips and I keep sneezing all over this room. I'm sure that's real sanitary, but oh well. more »
Monday, December 16, 2002
I was asleep half the weekend, yo. it was still alright. I feel like an ass for not burning this certain cd I promised someone yet though; I promise later I will...cause I fixed my schedule. more »
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Bah bah bah ....feeeeeh. I am in one of those moods between doing stuff where I feel like bursting into tears. not cause I'm uspet, but cause I'm spent. weird. more »
Monday, December 9, 2002
Oh man do I want to kill my head right now. it seems to not like that the lights blew out just two minutes ago not to mention it's been like this since I woke up to an overcast dreary sky. in fact, the lights should just stop dying. they die too often. more »
Sunday, December 8, 2002
The Guest calls, but mom has to use the restroom (my first instinct was to say the 'lavoratories' till I realised that wasn't a word ..where in the fick did I come up with that? unless dictionary.com just sucks and it does exist), so I pick up. more »
Wednesday, December 4, 2002
Don't ya hate when you're not in the mood and don't have a topic ready? more »
Monday, December 2, 2002
Mom ranted about dad earlier. apparently he bought some cheap decorations for the house at Wal-Mart and people stole from his cart three times in the process. more »