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Rasee Squishite |
![]() Mmkay, first the teeth brushing question. I was told that you should spend at least three minutes brushing, which is the length of a song, so basically start brushing and hum a lil tune or think of a song in your head. When the song ends, so does the brushing. *shrugs* It's the way I go. Now, I've had FOUR UTI's so I know what I'm talking about when I say drink a LOT of water. Eight glasses a day is great. Ten is better. Drink two as soon as you wake up, and your body will get used to it. PEE a lot too. Every time you feel the urge, pee. I had to time myself to go every four hours. Now I go pretty often. Once you have a UTI, the other ones follow quickly. The best skin advice I can give it get rid of all your make up before bed. I've been performing on stage for twelve years and my skin has taken a beating. I don't wear make-up anymore except for gloss, but when I do, I get all of it OFF. It's gunk and it's not good for your skin. And water is brilliant for your skin. Gets rid of toxins and makes you look fresher. Like an apple, take away the moisture and what have you left? A wrinkly, ugly thing. Water is the best thing you can give your body. I learnt that if I walk around during my periods instead of curling up bed, the cramps lessen. If you're active, I think it eases a lot of the pain, but maybe that works only with some people. For the bra, I'm 38 E so there is no way I can reach back to hook the thing. Last, but not least, remember to love who you are, imperfections and all, because when you do, you're much kinder to yourself. IP: Logged |
Laughing_Pain Insomniac |
![]() quote: I've tried the five minute thing and all it got me were bleeding gums. I couldn't do it. I brush for about 2-3 minutes. make sure you brush up and down or in a circular direction. Straight across can scratch your enamel. I figure that I'm done when my teeth feel really smooth and slick. I've tried tongue scrapers. They're ok, I guess. A cheaper tongue scraper would be to use a plastic spoon or just brush your tongue. I usually just brush my tongue. Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide after brushing does whiten teeth a bit. I've tried it and seen some difference. IP: Logged |
Laughing_Pain Insomniac |
![]() (Edited double post.) [This message has been edited by Laughing_Pain (edited September 20, 2000).] IP: Logged |
twinmom Squishaholic |
![]() I've already covered privates, so now I'm going to move up the body. I started going to a new dentist about 2 yrs ago and he's great. His hygienist gives all the patients the Junior size toothbrushes. She swears you cover more of the tooth surface because the big toothbrushes are just, to be redundant, too big. After 2 years, I totally agree (and they're cheaper). Try them. ALSO, floss, floss, floss. I carry some with me. At our high school reunion in June (a big Texas style BBQ complete with stringy brisket), Chickengrrl and I went to the restroom (girls can't go alone, you know, even at our age) and I pull the floss out of my purse. Ms. Chicken says, "Receding gums -- another sign of aging." Oh, Biore strips? Two words: They Suck! IP: Logged |
Shawna Stalker |
![]() I noticed the post on tan in a bottle: Question girls: Which do you use? I am on Neutrogena right now, but it's still slightly orange. Suggestions? IP: Logged |
sherina Forum Whore |
![]() I just wanted to tell y'all how proud i am. This morning, i was getting dressed, and as i pulled my bra out of my drawer and i thought of Pamie. [wow. that would sound weird to anyone other than the people in here.] Today i put my bra on properly. Hooray. Oh and another piece of random advice. You know those little sandpaper type things that you can use to remove the hair from your legs? Well they do work, but they take way longer than shaving would, and though some people say you can do it while watching tv, who wants little leg hairs all over the living room? Anyway, the real advice is that while they work on legs, you should really avoid the temptation to use them to take off those little random chin hairs that are normally tweezed. This way you can avoid thinking up excuses when people ask you how you got rug burn on your chin. Not that it's ever happened to me. IP: Logged |
Katrin Forum Diva |
![]() As long as we're on the oral hygiene subject, I've got one word to say. FLOSS. Yeah, I never believed it was important either. It was difficult and time-consuming and made my gums bleed. But then I realized something. Try this, just once, if you never have: Floss your teeth (especially if you don't regularly), and then smell the floss. Nasty, huh? And just think, a second ago, that smell was in your mouth. Where would you rather have it be? No matter how diligently you brush, food still collects between your teeth and starts rotting away. First it just stinks, and then it starts to decay your teeth, giving you a whole new set of problems. We've all known people with disgusting rotten smelly breath. The easiest way not to be one of those people is just to floss regularly. The long-term dental health benefits are an added bonus. Oh, and that "Glide" floss really lives up to its name. Slides right between your teeth easily and doesn't shred. It's worth the extra money. IP: Logged |
twinmom Squishaholic |
![]() Ditto on Glide floss. It's the best. I don't buy any other kind. The price only seems high when you're actually paying for it, but relatively speaking, $5 for 4-6 months worth of floss is just not that much. IP: Logged |
pamie Head Princess |
![]() How do you know that you're smelling the floss and not your fingers? I'm just sayin'. IP: Logged |
Heather Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Pamie wrote: quote: Well, Pamie, you're in luck, because I happen to have a copy of Health Magazine's Fitness & Beauty edition right here at work. The magazine says this about brushing your teeth:
quote: So maybe you're doing what I used to do: You're using a medium or hard bristled brush, and you're scrubbing way too hard. My gums used to bleed every day. I would wear out toothbrushes really quickly, because I was applying so much pressure the bristles would fold and then collapse. After I read that article (You should try to get hold of it-- it's the Summer 2000 edition), I switched to a soft bristled brush, and I stopped attacking my teeth like I used to. Too late, though, because I have already caused my gums to recede a bit, for which the dental hygenist gave me supreme shit. They don't grow back. But my gums don't bleed when I brush anymore, and my teeth actually feel cleaner. Oh, and hard brushing will also scratch the enamel of your teeth, too. As for the tongue scrapers, I find that they make me gag, as does brushing my tongue. I know I'm supposed to do it, but I have a really strong gag reflex, and it makes me want to hurl. IP: Logged |
Daisy Bird Forum Diva |
![]() My 2 cents on the cramping/pms thing - take calcium. There's been some study done, which I have no documentation about, but I saw this on tv and read it in a couple of places. I can't remember the exact dosage, but something around 1200 - 1500mgs a day. It doesn't happen right away, but it does happen, helps everything related to pms: cramping, craving, acne, mood swings, etc. I take about 1000mgs in supplements and figure I get the rest from what I eat. Also, not necessarily girl related, but grapefruit juice w/caffine, doubles the effects. Of the caffine. Just in case you needed the extra boost or like grapefruit juice (like I do) but don't want the caffine craze! Apparently grapefruit juice also reacts to some drugs, but I don't remember which ones. Oh, and for brushing, my dentist told me it's not how hard you brush, but how long, so don't press too hard! My mom got me an electric toothbrush w/a timer, and that way I don't have to pay attention to how long I've been brushing so I like it! IP: Logged |
Heather Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Shawna wrote: quote: I use the Nutrogena one, too, in a spray. The secret is to get the lightest one you can, and be really careful applying it. These self-tanners actually chemically change the colour of your cells. It's not a dye, so they all come out the same, because they all use the same chemical. What I do is this: I take a quick shower to make sure I'm clean. I don't go too long, because I don't want my skin to swell from the heat. The I dry off, but I don't scrub too hard for the same reason: I want to avoid the slight swelling. When I'm totally dry, I apply a moisturizer, and I rub it in well. Then I apply the tanner, and I go from bottom to top (I only do my legs, BTW. They're way pale). I rub the tanner in as evenly as I can, in small circles. I allow it to dry, and then I apply a little bit more moisturizer. I know what I said about over-moisturizing before, but I do that so that the tanner gets rubbed in some more. I then avoid anything white for a while, just in case (The tanner does transfer to white fabric). The tanning should start to take effect in 2-4 hours. This won't keep it from going orange (Only you body chemistry can change that, I think) but it does keep it from streaking. Also, you can always go back and apply more if your tan isn't dark enough.
[This message has been edited by Heather (edited September 21, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Kelly Science is Tight |
![]() I am really glad to hear that I am not the only one who still uses the twisty method to put on my bra. And Laural - not only do I have allergies, but I am also very tasty to insects, so the back itching problem does come up occasionally. I try to get it with my left arm, which is still capable of reaching pretty far around my back. If that doesn't work, holding a pencil or other implement and scratching with that usually does the trick. Wow. I can't believe I had that much to say about scratching myself. IP: Logged |
Laural Forum Whore |
![]() quote: Yeah, see, I use my left arm to hook my bra/scratch my back... you oughtta try it! IP: Logged |
kristal Forum Whore |
![]() sherina - I thought of pamie when I got dressed this morning too... (that does sound odd) I put on my bra correctly, and guess what? it isn't riding up or doing anything uncomfortable. yay for Pamie! I didn't know there was a better way to put them on; the twisty way was all I knew. when my back itches, I'll lean against the back of my seat and move up and down a little (that also sounds strange) until the itch is gone. or I'll reach over my shoulder with a (closed) pen and take care of it that way. my arms have a fairly long reach, which I'm grateful for. IP: Logged |
KC Insomniac |
![]() I just wanted to say that wiping from back to front does not cause yeast infections, it does cause urinary tract infections (per my gyno), but that's a whole other story. The reason I think this bears mentioning, is that my best friend has frequent yeast infections, most people think that, that makes her nasty or dirty (including her jerk of a boyfriend who constantly teases her about it). Most yeast infections are caused by antibiotics, a close second come from hormones (being pregnant, menapause etc). The yeast infection itself is pretty nasty and dirty, but you don't have to be to get one. One thing though, her doctor did tell her that if you're prone to yeast infections, a preventitive measure is to use a blow dryer to dry off down there when she gets out of the shower. IP: Logged |
Katherine Science is Tight |
![]() I know we're supposed to shun the smiley faces, but damn, the one KC used is cracking me up. Whew. Eyes watering. I need sleep. I've hit slap happy. IP: Logged |
Andi Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Shawna~ I've said it before and I'll say it again... Aruba In A Tuba by BeneFit. You can order it at Sephora.com. I love it. Re: the whole teeth brushing issue... may I recommend the SonicAire toothbrush? It costs a grip of money, but I so love it. I have more that a mild case of dentist anxiety, and I was looking for something to keep me out of that chair for as long as possible. This thing is brilliant. My hygeinist was so impressed. Anyway, it is timed, and it goes for two minutes. My only other tip for healthy and happy living: Don't wait until you really have to pee when you are wearing drawstring pants. It's very uncomfortable when you can't get the knot out. [edited because I saw a typo onced this post, but for the life of me I cannot find it now. Poo.] [This message has been edited by Andi (edited September 21, 2000).] IP: Logged |
michrmil Squishite |
![]() quote: Hi - I've never posted before, but I thought I would recommend a product called DHC Skincare. It has done absolute wonders for my acne prone skin. I hardly ever break out anymore, which is a huge improvement, believe me. Anyway, you can buy the stuff or ornder a catalog here http://www.dhccare.com/ The catalog is neat b/c it has all these letters from women that use the product and love it. By the way - you've convinced me - I'll try the bra thing tonight. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() Okay, I am willing to go out on a limb here to provide a girlie tip that is usually neglected or thought of as something strange: Using public bathrooms. Listen, I know there are some public bathrooms that are fairly clean, but those are way hard to find. Some of us will put nothing other than our foot on the handle of the toilet to flush it -- why put your tushie on the icky seat? Women don't have to sit on them to pee! Okay, it's weird sounding, but y'all have no reason not to stand up and pee in those really disgusting bathrooms. It takes a little bit of practice in the comfort and privacy of your own home, but it can be done. No germs from public bathrooms anymore. No thought of "ew, what woman put her {insert body part of choice} here?" That is all for the "way too much information" spot sponsored in part by me. IP: Logged |
pamie Head Princess |
![]() So, Meg... are you the one that's leaving pee all over the seats? Because I HATE that. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() quote: (innocent glow) That's not me. (/innocent glow) I never use public bathrooms because I am convinced that women are pigs. And I say that as a dedicated woman. I also hate that pee on the seat thing. That is just gross, man. Don't do that. IP: Logged |
christie Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Bathroom issues -- I'll admit it I'm a foot flusher. I never touch the flusher handle, germs abound there. BTW I refuse to believe that any woman is wiping back to front. Nope, no way. It's not happening. (Having caught a glimpse of the "racing stripes" in men's shorts, I'm not positive they wipe at all.) Girl tips -- Exercise and lift weights. No you wont get burly man muscles. You don't have enough testosterone. Lifting weights will increase your bone density, boost your metabolism and shape your physique. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() You know... Speaking of public bathrooms. What am I supposed to do with knee length hair if I ever have to use one of these digusting cubicles? There is no place for it. I hold it away from the toilet, of course, but I have to let go of it sometime to pull my clothing back up. Men have it too easy. (Side note: I about died with laughter when I read your journal entry about long hair, Pamie. The "What the hell...?" comment about did me in.) IP: Logged |
Lyn Never Stalker |
![]() Word on what Pamie said about the nighttime face toxins. Buy extra pillowcases and change your case every other day. If you have really oily skin or use a lot of heavy hair products (like silicone defrizzers or hairspray), double-case your pillows so all that stuff isn't soaking into the pillow itself. In fact, on that note, fresh clean sheets are one of life's simple pleasures. They make you sleep better, I swear. Use a man's beard trimmer (they do make bikini trimmers for women, but I find they're kind of puny) and trim up at least a little a day or two before you start your period. If you use pads, you'll feel cleaner and be less likely to suffer extreme adhesive accident pain. If you use tampons with applicators, you're less likely to pinch hair in the applicator. If shaving under your arms gives you ingrown hairs (or is just way too much of a bother), and not shaving at all makes your deodorant useless because it can't get to the skin, use the beard trimmer for that, too. When you find a pair of shoes that are really comfortable and you really like them, go buy another pair or two before they quit selling them. Know how to change a tire and how to check your oil, water, and battery. Make sure you have a working spare, jumper cables, a good jack (like, probably not the one that came with your car), and a small toolbox in your car. You may never need them, but someone else might. Always join the Frequent Flyer club before booking an airline ticket. Even if you don't fly often. You'll get better customer service if you need it. IP: Logged |
Michelle Davitt Squishite |
![]() Being a woman is all about pain, of one sort or another. In this country anyway, very little money is invested in so called 'women's problem's' because most doctors are men (Sad but true) - women with gynaecological problems are still advised that the best thing they can do is to 'get pregnant'. Thanks mate. But what is being a woman really about - sex; sexual organs? Surely we're not limited to that. Being yourself, being able to be an individual...If you can't be yourself, by yourself, then there's no point. We all have to be able to look in the mirror, whether it's in front of your face or between your legs, and accept what you see there. I'm every woman, etc...except I'm not and would not want to be. Just do it for yourself and NO ONE else. Bye bye! IP: Logged |
e Squishite |
![]() The best piece of advice that I can offer is to stand up straight. I'm a 36D, and I've been wearing a bra since I was 8. I learned a long time ago to be ashamed of my size, so I tried to hide it by slouching and/or curling in my shoulders. Yeah, that doesn't work. It just made me look saggy and insecure. Now, I try to stand up straight at all times. I feel taller and more confident. No matter what your size, there is always something that you can wear that someone else can't (halters, v-necks, etc.), so be proud of how you look. IP: Logged |
Daisy Bird Forum Diva |
![]() Word to Heather, Viactiv is what I take, I just forgot to mention that. It's totally yummy! Also, Lyn Never's post reminded me that if your car starts to overheat, turn on the heater! Some random fact I learned in physics and thought was the coolest. Of course in my case it also helps if you know what the symptoms of overheating are...(In my defense, I don't drive much!) IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() Take 20 minutes out of each day to treat yourself to something that you love. It can be a book of poetry, a bowl of ice cream or a piece of chocolate. Call a friend. Talk to your mom. Tell someone how special they are to you. Send out little greeting cards from Hallmark (because, folks, Hallmark really shows that you care) to friends to send a little sunshine their way. It'll make you feel wonderful. IP: Logged |
Katrin Forum Diva |
![]() quote: Well, if we all take your wise advice and wash our hands after wiping our butts, there shouldn't be any question, right? IP: Logged |
Katrin Forum Diva |
![]() quote: Oooh! I know this one! I lived in Florida briefly, and my roommate's car constantly overheated. Neither she nor I knew a damn thing about cars then, and her dealership's service department took great pleasure in screwing her over just because they could. Years later, a then-boyfriend taught me the automotive mysteries (okay, so it was the one thing he was good for). When you've been driving a lot in hot weather, especially in stop-and-go traffic, and steam starts pouring out from under the hood, your car is overheating. The steam might smell like something sweet burning if there's antifreeze/coolant in your radiator. When this happens, pull over as soon as possible, open the hood and let the car rest and cool down. DO NOT try to take off the radiator cap right away. That steam is under a lot of pressure, and if you open the cap, it's all going to blow up in your face. If the cap is hot to the touch, it's still too hot to open, so wait a while longer. Also, DO NOT try to cool your radiator faster by pouring cold liquid on it. You risk cracking the metal, not only letting out the aforementioned high-pressure steam but also requiring you to replace the whole radiator. Okay. Radiator cap is cool enough to handle with your bare hands? Now unscrew it. Don't stand with your face right over it; some steam might still come out. Reach into the opening with your fingers, and pull out a little circular metal doohickey, flat on the bottom and kind of pointy on top. This is your thermostat. It's now ruined. You need a new one. The good news is that they are very cheap (around 5-10 bucks, I think). Top off the water/coolant in the radiator (don't use cold water!). Replace the cap (without putting back the thermostat). You're now ready to resume driving. The thermostat is there to regulate the flow of coolant according to temperature. When a car overheats, the mechanism in the thermostat gets fused shut so the coolant doesn't go where it's needed. The good news is that you can drive around indefinitely in hot weather without a thermostat, without doing any damage. You need to have the thermostat in there when it's cold, though (when the job of that radiator fluid changes from "coolant" to "antifreeze"), so be sure to replace it before winter. I sure hope I remembered all that correctly. It's been a few years since I've had to use this information. I hope it helps somebody though. IP: Logged |
Ian the Terrible Squishite |
![]() So, having read through this whole thread... What's a "waterbra"? Floss. Definitely. I just had a tooth pulled, because the damage was too extreme to fill. FLOSS. Trust everyone on the sunscreen. More info on the "turn on the heater when your car is overheating" bit: Your car overheats because it can't shed waste heat fast enough. It sheds waste heat by running coolant through the engine, and then out to the radiator. When you turn on your heater, coolant gets routed to another radiator-like dingus (your heater core) which happens to live inside the vent system in your car. Thus, turning on the heat is basically equivalent to adding another (small) radiator to the whole works. IP: Logged |
pamie Head Princess |
![]() Seriously, I need help with this. No matter what I do, if I'm using non-clear deoderant (my Secret Platinum (the best stuff ever!) ran out so I'm using the backup) the second I put a shirt on I've got deoderant all over the bottom of the shirt, the sides of the shirt, sometimes the front of the shirt. I'll pull the edges down around my underarms-- lifting them away from my skin-- but it never fails. I thought I got off fine this morning, but I just looked down and saw that I've got the white mark on my shirt front yet again. What's a quick and easy way to get that off of your clothes so you can go to work? IP: Logged |
christie Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Fold the stained fabric over and rub the stain together. (Does that make sense?) The friction with grind the deodie to dust and it will disappear. Don't rub the deoderant on unstained fabric that will just spread it. I saw that tip on Fashion Emergency. It must be true. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() quote:
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sherina Forum Whore |
![]() I'm sorry. I can't hear the word "waterbra" without cracking up because there was a Will & Grece episode where Grace wore one to impress some guy with her ample bosom. Being a sitcom, you can likely guess what happened. She sprang leaks and began water pistolling everything and everyone with her breasts. Anyway, Kristal's post reminded me of something. If you're going to scratch your back with a pen, and you do it with the cap on, um, make sure the cap actually IS on, and that you don't just THINK it is. It's pretty hard to explain why your back looks like a doodle pad when you take off your shirt at home. You guys do realize that all my advice is just random and in no way relates to anything i've ever done myself, right? Also, like KC, i've heard that using a hair dryer is a good way to avoid yeast infections, though i would suggeset you use the lowest setting possible, because think of the ouch potential if you leave it on high heat. Oh, and my apologies to KC for blatantly rippind KC off, but i must agree that it's the funniest smilie i have ever seen so i'm going to throw it in here just to say. IP: Logged |
MorganG Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: It's like a padded bra, only instead of padding, it's got a water-balloon-type-thing sewn in. Okay, wait, that makes it sound even more ridiculous than it is (which is already pretty silly). On a related note, I have some seamless bras that I love, only I wear them a couple times, wash them a couple times, and then the cup gets this weird crevice-y thing in it. So if I wore them I'd have a craterboob. Anyone know how to fix that, by chance? IP: Logged |
christie Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: No but it bugs the crap out of me too. I don't need the enhancement of padding, but I appreciate the coverage. I'm not into being a human temperature gauge. IP: Logged |
firstgirl Squishite |
![]() Hey pamie! somewhere around the forum you mentioned PMS relief. I just had my physical and here is what I was told by the nurse practitioner and in my handy-dandy PMS Relief Pamphlet- 1. Take 3g of Evening Primrose a day. (It'll take a couple of months to go into effect.) 2. Chart your days for symptoms & periods for 3 months so that you have an educated estimate of when exactly PMS hits you. You should avoid the stressful activities during those times. (mmmm like moving to LA maybe?) 3. Avoid caffiene and sugar. Especially during those PMS days. 4. Drink lots of water. 5. Take Vitamin B6 supplement daily. 6. Surrender to the emotions. Rent a girly crying movie and let it all out. 7. Exercise. (Remember Billy?). So that's it. She said that for extreme cases they can do hormone treatments or some people resort to Prozac. I'm going to try this method, because I can't go on living in PMS Hell every month! IP: Logged |
Heather Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() I think we have the same bras. I get craterboob all the time. I think the secret is not putting them in the dryer. I hang mine from both straps with the cup facing out, so that gravity can't create the crater in the cups. Does that make any sense? IP: Logged |
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