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Author | Topic: girl tips |
jateke Superstar |
![]() quote: wren, as someone who's burned WAY too many pots, I thank you for that tip. [This message has been edited by jateke (edited November 04, 2000).] IP: Logged |
wren Squishite |
![]() quote: Oops Jateke -- I gave you the wrong info. Those little manufactured pucks come from a company called the Pampered Chef, not gourmet. They have a catalogue and product is available at those Tupperware-style parties. Oh yeah, but don't use this method in Teflon pots.... IP: Logged |
wren Squishite |
![]() Just looked it up -- they have a site. pamperedchef.com Look for "Cooking, etc" then Boil Control in their product catalogue. (No, I don't sell the product. Sorry for this shameless plug. I promise I won't rave about how great their other stuff is too. Hee.) IP: Logged |
snh72 Forum Whore |
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wren Squishite |
![]() That was a smart idea snh. IP: Logged |
pomegranita Squishite |
![]() i'm not sure if this was said but, if you ever feel a UTI coming on . . . [i used to get them and i'd know if they were coming b/c the pain wasn't as great but still there. that, and the constant need to pee.] um anyway when i was last seen, the doctor at the student health center recommended chewing a couple of Vitamin C chewable tablets [i get mine from GNC. they taste all citrusy.] once or twice a day if i felt one coming on in the future. if you plan on taking it twice a day, space the tablets out for 9 hours or so. ... and drink 8 or more glasses of cranberry juice and/or water thoughout the day. she told me not to drink anything caffenated and just keep myself hydrated. so i felt one coming on two weeks ago and did what she said to avoid getting an UTI. i was curious to see if it worked. aaaaand it did. i took just one tablet twice and drank tons of cranberry juice [lucky it's my fave.] and the next day i couldn't feel anything huge was amiss. there was still a smidge of discomfort so i did it again. the next day it was totally gone and i haven't had a problem since. just something harmless that you might want to try. drugs for UTIs are quite expensive with my insurance plan so i was relieved that i was saving myself the money. ciao. IP: Logged |
blazer Hardcore Squishite |
![]() can anyone recommend a good moisturizer for extremely sensitive skin? I tried the Oil of Olay facial cloths. They made my face feel like it was burned. That's how sensitive my skin is. With the heater on now, my face is becoming very dry but I'm scared to try anything else on it. Any suggestions?? IP: Logged |
Heather Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() I haven't tried it myself, but I think Cetaphil makes a moisturizer. Cetaphil is designed for sensitive skin, but it can be expensive, so see if you can get a sample. IP: Logged |
stircrazy Insomniac |
![]() quote: lucky. you. IP: Logged |
Curly Girl Stalker |
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stircrazy Insomniac |
![]() quote: yea. and its not just that sleeping other ways gives you wrinkles but its easier for your heart to pump if its above stuff. since its on your left its best to sleep on your right so that it's elevated. if you sleep on your left your lungs will press on it. IP: Logged |
tiff Forum Diva |
![]() For those who want the pot saving boil discs: On the Pampered Chef web site it says to complete the form below, yada yada yada. If it's any easier for you, my aunt sells Pampered Chef. She's a VERY nice lady and if you send me an email (my email address is on my web site), I'd be more than happy to give you her email address so you can order your goodies. About the Oil of Olay face cloths: IP: Logged |
Jeremy Preacher Squishite |
![]() Stircrazy- Hate to nitpick, but your heart is actually centered in your chest. It's just not quite symmetrical, so the left side is a little larger. So if you lie on your left side, your right lung will be on top of it, and vice versa. So unless you sleep standing on your head, I doubt you'd have to worry about where your heart is. Jer IP: Logged |
leigha Benefactor |
![]() quote: Clinique's got a really good one that I use, called Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion. It's the best thing that I have used, to date. IP: Logged |
*brown-eyedgirl* Squishite |
![]() Hee!!! Just remembering the flaming criticism the yellow moisture gunk got on the beauty products thread (hissyfit)... IP: Logged |
hyddin Forum Diva |
![]() Don't be afraid to dance. Take a look around you. Trust me, they look just as goofy as you do. IP: Logged |
Intrinsi Squishite |
![]() quote: I'm not so sure about that.... IP: Logged |
Bunnygirl Squishite |
![]() quote: The whole "men use tools/women don't" thing is too stereotypical, but having a toolbox around is damn good advice for anyone. When my BF and I moved into our apartment up at school my dad went out and bought me a red toolbox and filled it with all the tools above, plus more. (A measuring tape, small hacksaw, and a level are also good things to have around.) He gave it to me as a moving present. He knew I'd need all that stuff eventually, and he also knew I'd know how to use it since he taught me to be "handy" when I was 2. (hey, I held the flashlight for him). So now when someone wants to borrow a tool from us and they automatically ask my BF for permission, he totally gets off on telling them they have to ask me since they're my tools. The hammer and screwdriver come in especially handy when you can only afford furniture from Target that has to be put together without benefit of clear directions. IP: Logged |
ConfusionTheWaitress Forum Whore |
![]() quote: Wanna swap? Now, see, you're all looking at me funny now. Stop looking funny. What? What? Micheal Jackson has had that much pointless cosmetic surgery he's now copyright of The Jim Henson Creature Workshop and is run entirely on animatronics yet no-one bats an eyelid. All I sayin' is... I'll just shut up.
quote: Last resort tip I gave to Bob when he was panicking to find a mother's day present: "Mother's day, Oil of Olay. Father's day, Drill". It would be a nice easy-to-remember poem if only 'drill' rhymed with 'day'. However, anyone who gets me a drill as a present can expect to be first on the list of things to drill. And my mother once said that she would never buy a man a drill as an occasion present because (and I quote) "It would be like someone buying me an iron." I'm inclined to agree. [This message has been edited by ConfusionTheWaitress (edited January 18, 2001).] IP: Logged |
ConfusionTheWaitress Forum Whore |
![]() Best girl tip I ever saw was while reading the 'Top Tips' section of Chat or Take A Break in a dentist's waiting room: "Don't throw away those old tights! Simply cut off at the ankles and cut the gusset out and, hey presto! An ideal workout top!" I. Am. Totally. Seriously. Laugh? I came that close to throwing up. [This message has been edited by ConfusionTheWaitress (edited January 17, 2001).] IP: Logged |
Winddance Superstar |
![]() quote: I have to admit that I've done this for dance...low-budget dance costume, and plenty of room for originality. (What color tights? Tie-dye? flowers?) But you'd never catch me if I weren't being forced by a choreographer...:shudders: IP: Logged |
baby Squishite |
![]() Accept credit and compliments for the things you've accomplished. After I graduated college, I had a few jobs as a Web Designer. There was always a Web Master above me who had been doing this since birth. I felt so out of my league. Whenever I would do something good and the boss would compliment me, I would always proceed with, "Oh, it was nothing.", or "It was easy." I couldn't figure out why I never got any respect. I finally realized nobody was going to respect my abilities until I could myself. Own your accomplishments. After all, they are yours. Oh, and on trimming/shaving the pubic area? Don't assume you won't cut yourself with an electric razor. Um..not that I did or anything. Nope, not me. IP: Logged |
stircrazy Insomniac |
![]() if someone gave me a drill id be like "dude!! sweet!! a drill!!" and then id just go make holes. everywhere. i get crazy like that. give me duct tape and watch me go. IP: Logged |
ConfusionTheWaitress Forum Whore |
![]() quote: I went shopping with my little sister today and told her the tip and, it turns out, that she does it too. But then she does study dance at University. So maybe it's just a dance thing. I dunno, though. Something about it just said 'Eeew!' to me. IP: Logged |
Kerri01 Stalker |
![]() quote: Blazer, you sound just like me Also the Nivea Visage nourishing creme is nice, good for wind burned cheeks! Hope you find something you like! IP: Logged |
Kerri01 Stalker |
![]() quote: Oh my GOD! I can't believe you wrote that, I've done that before in dance class. It was a great way to smash my boobs at the time (under a leotard). But as a workout top? Can you imagine some lady in a pair of old panty hose walking around the gym? Yeeeech! IP: Logged |
Bee Charmer Squishite |
![]() Best thing I ever bought myself was a Wagoner cordless screwdriver. (Don't buy anything less than a 12 volt.) My brother was with me when I bought it, and made me buy an index too. (Um....an index?) An index is a box of attachments to go with the cordless. There are things in my monster index that I will probably NEVER use, but there are things in it that I have learned to use too. (Learned the hard way, I might add. Like how to countersink. UGH!) Purchasing this one simple power tool caused me to build an 8' long oak dining room table with an inlayed tiled top. No lie, and it's fecking AWESOME! It caused me to build a couple of oak plank benches to go with the table. It caused me, after tiling the table top, to lay tile in front of my woodstove. It caused me to completely re-do my kitchen, including the floor. It caused me WANT to learn how to do things that women don't normally learn how to do growing up. In fact, I'm in the process right now of building new cabinet doors for my kitchen because of this one simple purchase which opened a whole new world for me. Since then, I've ventured into total MAN land. I've bought a 10" compound mitre saw (EEK!), a jig saw, a scroll saw, a circular saw, a welder, a cutting torch, a 14" jack saw for cutting pipe, a belt sander, a palm sander, and all sorts of little weird shit. Levels, carpenter's pencils, straight edges, etc. I WANT a router, a table saw, a mountable grinder (heh!), a worm drive circular saw, yadda, yadda, yadda. This shit gives you the power to MAKE things you would normally buy! Best advice I can give you? If you can, TAKE SHOP. Learn about woodworking, plumbing, electricity, etc. These things are priceless. I wish I had. Jeebus. Anybody can cook or sew. All you have to do is read the recipe/pattern. Woodworking, plumbing and electrical shit doesn't come with a recipe/pattern. Buy yourself a Wagoner Cordless (12 volt or higher) drill, buy a HOOGE index, and let your imagination run wild! IP: Logged |
Bee Charmer Squishite |
![]() Oh. And my one girlie tip. Visine applied to a cotton ball or Q-tip, applied to a particularly angry red throbbing zit, WILL take the red out. (Or it does for me anyway.) thatisall. IP: Logged |
evil_prawn Forum Diva |
![]() quote: SO DAMN TRUE! IP: Logged |
GoesPow Science is Tight |
![]() Oh my God. I love this thread so much. I love it. But I feel bad that I have nothing new to share with you guys-- only big reiterations on the 'drink water, go to the gyno, and don't take shit from asshole guys' fronts. IP: Logged |
inkdot Stalker |
![]() Don't get mad, girls. Get even, big time. Don't forget to always be a Junior Riot Grrl!!!!!! Give yourself a hug, and always remember that you rock this world, baby, yeah! IP: Logged |
GAChick Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() My brother gave me a 16.8 volt Craftsman cordless drill for Christmas. I wuv my brudder. He also got me a drill bit index, with bits all the way up to 1/2 inch! I can fix anything, including my ex-husband!! Just kidding. IP: Logged |
ecouteuse Squishite |
![]() On the deodorant question... I hate the white marks and hated using gel or anything sticky. Then I tried the Arrid XX Ultra Clear stick. It *looks* like a normal white stick, and feels like that going on, but it really does go on clear. No drying time, no worries. I've used it for a couple of years now and wouldn't try anything else. IP: Logged |
AuntieE Stalker |
![]() Always wipe off the top of your soda/coke can before you drink out of it. The tops of those cans are really dirty. Have at least one day where you don't wash your hair or your face (a weekend day--or the whole weekend!), especially in the winter. Yes, I'm saying save a couple hundred gallons of H20 and don't take a shower. Revel in your natural oils (this might not work in the summer), and low grade sexy funk. Your skin actually feels better for it (again, this is a winter-time thing, maybe. My skin is dry dry DRY right now.) Noxzema is nice to wash your face with, when you do decide to bathe again. That zingy scent, that blue jar, that groovy consistency--that non-soap cleanser of your youth!! And, it soothes sunburned skin, too. And although it's been said, many times, many ways....wipe front to back. IP: Logged |
inkdot Stalker |
![]() quote: That is sooo awesome, Bee! You go, girl. IP: Logged |
HappyStatic Squishite |
![]() For all those people saying how small their boobs are, take mine, please please! I have 38C, close to stircrazy and wish I could just go down a size. It's not fun. And that twisty-bra thing would never ever work, ever. My hand twists darn it:P IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() A twisty-bra thing? What was that? Word on the tights-into-top dealie. Besides, mine all seem to run around the gusset and thigh area anyway, meaning I'd have a REALLY unattractive laddery (i.e., nearly-obscene) top. IP: Logged |
ordies_angel Squishite |
![]() quote: Cetaphil moisturizer and cleanser are WONDERFUL if you can find them. I use Neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer, too. IP: Logged |
Luz Forum Whore |
![]() Chicas - I didn't have a chance to read through all the pages so if my question is answered elsewhere please advise. I just noticed split-ends in my hair! Aaarrgghhh!!! How, why, when, where, how? More importantly what do I do, beside trying to cut away at them myself, to get rid of them? fyi - I have long, almost waist-length hair cut in long layers. IP: Logged |
Melissa Bob |
![]() quote: Yeah but you cut off the ewww crotch part. IP: Logged |
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