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loraxc Insomniac |
![]() Okay, I've heard about this "women can pee standing up" thing, but I must ask: HOW? (without getting it all down the leg?)I mean, I am completely expert at peeing in the wilds without benefit of toilet, which I know some women can't figure out, but the standing-up thing...I don't get it. In any case, for all our sakes, please nobody try this skill in the public bathrooms till you're REALLY got it down. I'm not a hygiene-phobe at all. (Don't even get me started on this stupid, stupid "antibacterial everything" craze.) I don't worry that public bathrooms are going to give me cooties. I just hate sitting in pee, okay? (btw, I also gotta ask... how does one go through life without ever using public bathrooms? Isn't that just begging for some kind of terrible infection/problem from holding it all the time? Makes me hurt just thinking about it.) IP: Logged |
Jenna2 Stalker |
![]() Well, the way I do it, which I do if the toilet looks/smells particularly nasty (i.e. rest stops off the freeway..EW) is sort of a combination of squat and stand. Bend your knees like you're going to sit on the seat, but stop a few inches before your ass hits the toilet...then just kind of hold that position while you pee. That's my theory, anyhow.:) IP: Logged |
MorganG Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: Yup. I've been thinking of doing that, but I'm too lazy. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() quote:
But seriously, there are several products available to assist women if they have the desire to pee standing up. I think this one product is called "The Wizzer" (God, I can't believe I'm talking about this) and is a long tube-like thing. You can use your imagination to figure out how that one works. Generally speaking, when I said stand up and go, I meant stand directly above the toilet and go. There is no reason to sit on the seat because gravity will take care of the rest. Although I've been forced to do it other ways standing up (like when I went camping, and let me say that I wasn't a happy camper!) I've seen those wizzer things online at several women's health websites. I don't have an actual URL to share because I never bothered to bookmark it. Hoping my name doesn't show up in a search engine for this topic, IP: Logged |
BabyGirl Unemployed |
![]() quote: Hehehe! I call this the HOVER. Whenever a bathroom looks really gross, one of us will yell out, "Hover girl!" As in "Cover girl, give it a whirl" .. after Rupaul.. heh IP: Logged |
loraxc Insomniac |
![]() quote: Meg...I have to tell you something. I used to be a "Bladder of Steel" too. I went practically all the way through high school without using the bathrooms there because they were indeed so foul. I used to scoff at all those women waiting in line at shows, games, etc. "You poor pee-addicted weaklings!" Now that I'm pushing 30, I'm not a Bladder of Steel any longer, honey. In fact, I have to pee all the DAMN time. And I've been told that it's got soemthing to do with the fact that I used to "hold it" so much. (I didn't even have to think about at the time, by the way.) It's not good for you, from what I hear. You should pee regularly and drink enough water so that you NEED to pee regularly. You shouldn't hold it, consciously or no. Back-up, anybody? Back-up? Please? By the way, when I asked the "pee standing up" question, I was *not* referring to the hover method. Come on, yo...I'm smart enough to figure that one out. That's the one that leaves me all the sprinkly presents. Not down with that. I meant the full-on, standing up like a boy thing. Which I wasn't really convinced was possible. But luckily for all of you, I went out and found a website on how to do it. Yeeha! It's here: http://www.restrooms.org/standing.html , and it is quite enlightening. I'm planning to give it a whirl (starting in the shower first, methinks.) Though I'm neither hygiene-phobic enough nor squat-in-the-bushes-phobic enough to need to use it often, I have definitely been in situations where it could have been of use. Not trying to freak out the pee-phobic or the gender-rigid here, by the way--just thought some of you might be interested. (By the way, here's my fact for the day: urine is sterile.) (edited to give y'all the right URL) [This message has been edited by loraxc (edited September 23, 2000).] IP: Logged |
firstgirl Squishite |
![]() Back-up to the holding your pee is bad!! I used to have a job where I was working like crazy and the phones would go mad so that I barely had time to pee. I used to hold it all day! About 2 years ago I ended up in the hospital with kidney stones. And let me tell you, the pain is unbelievable. They had to give me the maximum dosage of demerol and I still felt the pain! I had to have surgery and was in the hospital for 3 days with a fever.
Your body needs to dump that stuff! If I had been peeing when I should, and drinking enough water, that never would have happened. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: Hate to say it, but in one of those TMI conversations we girls have, it was discovered that a certain friend who shall go nameless was too lazy to lift her heiney up and was doing the B2F wipe. And she also had UTIs and yeast infections constantly. And she was confused as to why she would be having so many when no one else in the room confessed to ever having had even ONE. Hint: those infections weren't from doing anything exciting. Duh. Just don't do this, people. I've never had a UTI myself, but from descriptions of the pain, I sure don't want to ever get one. Say no to wiping B2F. Always go F2B. Preach it! Front to back! Wax on, wax off! All one! IP: Logged |
Laughing_Pain Insomniac |
![]() In The Full Monty, they show a woman peeing standing up. I guess, if standing in a certain way, you could direct your urine flow. I wouldn't be very tempted to try it, though, for fear of peeing all over myself. I have heard of those aids being sold for women to help them do this. I just have no urge to pee while standing. Maybe I'm weird. IP: Logged |
pamie Head Princess |
![]() Dude. Guys, please. No more of the smilies chasing the other smiley guy, okay? Please? It's burning my eyes. I was all set to try the rub-off trick, but I just looked down and saw the stain was gone. I must have rubbed it off on my jeans today without even noticing. And I have no time to wait for deoderant to dry! I'm very busy! IP: Logged |
ChickenGrrl Stalker |
![]() Um, pamie, you know I worship you for the goddess/princess you are... but it's spelled "deodorant." I know, I know, I'm a Grammar Bitch. But you all knew that. FYI: I can't get restrooms.org to open. Either it's down, or loraxc was just messing with us! I have one huge favor to ask of those of you who pee standing up. It's something you probably never even thought of before, either. Actually it's a two-in-one: (a) If you're going to do The Hover, please raise the seat before you do so, so you don't "sprinkle when you tinkle," like the silly bathroom-wall rhyme says. And if you remember to put it down when you're through, no one will think you're a transvestite. (b) If you can't or won't or forget to raise the seat, please make sure when you've finished that you didn't leave any sprinkles behind -- wipe them up! I can't tell you the number of times I have used a public restroom (I'm not a hoverer or germophobe) and had to go so badly I forgot to check the seat for moisture first or the light was bad and I couldn't see it, and sat in someone else's pee. You just don't lose that feeling of nastiness until you can take a shower! I am so compulsive about this -- and about people's NOT thinking that I sprinkle when I tinkle -- that I check after I go to make sure I didn't, then I wait until the thing has finished flushing (a) to make sure everything went away, and (b) to make sure the toilet itself didn't spray all over the seat (and if it did, I wipe that up too!). There is nothing more disgusting than a wet toilet seat. (But I guess we've already determined that, huh?) IP: Logged |
Laughing_Pain Insomniac |
![]() I'm so paranoid about wet seats that I either use one of those toilet cover thingies or cover the seat with tons of toilet paper. I do not want to sit in someone's piss. That's just gross. IP: Logged |
Kelly Science is Tight |
![]() Chickengrrl: the problem with the link is that little comma at the end. If you remove that, the site opens right up. At least for me. I used to use the hover method in public restrooms (it's actually pretty good for your thigh and butt muscles) but now I don't bother unless there is something really gross on the seat. It's pretty hard to catch anything from a toilet seat. Maybe, if you placed your pertinent body parts directly onto the seat within 5 seconds of the time the person before you got up from the seat, you might be able to catch something. It would be pretty hard to do that without actually being in the stall with the person. IP: Logged |
christie Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() D'oh. Don't know what I did there. [This message has been edited by christie (edited September 22, 2000).] IP: Logged |
pamie Head Princess |
![]() quote: The funny thing is, the post actually went: deoderant...deod...de...deodeorant...no, de... ah, fuck it. I will never forget again. I just need to be told once. Now, the "it's"/"its" thing? That's just me being stupid. I do it all the time. Sorry. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() To answer the "holding it longer than you should" comments above: I don't make a habit out of this. I'm diabetic and one of the rules of the trade is drink a lot more than the average person. So typically, I *go* more than the average person. I was referring to those times when I do go out (and trust me, those going out times are rare!) I am not always chasing after a toilet. Ask me again in ten years and I know I'll tell you something different. LOL! And now back to your regular TMI moments. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() I was just sitting here wondering how many women are going to check out that restrooms.org website and then go practice. I don't need to know the facts. I'm just sayin.... *G* IP: Logged |
michele Forum Whore |
![]() Word on the sonicare toothbrush! I gave in and forked over the $$$$$$ about 6 months ago and it's been worth every penny. I bought mine at the dentist office, but I've seen them at Target and Wal-Mart. To quote the box, "sonicare's high speed bristle motion creates sonic waves that travel through toothbaste into difficult-to-clean places. These sonic waves go beyond the bristle tips. Sonic technology dislodges plaque bacteria where bristles can't reach." I swear to you that this toothbrush makes your mouth feel cleaner than you ever thought possible. It also has a timer that indicates when you should switch which is about 30 seconds for each area (outer top, inner top, outer bottom, inner bottom). A comment about periods/cramps ... realize that your ovaries work alternately ... that is to say that one month the left ovary releases an egg, then the next month the right ovary releases an egg. That's part of the reason that it isn't true about medicating one month making the next month worse. And it's also why some women just get cramps every other cycle. And a word about bras ... understand sizing. It always gets to me when I hear someone say, "Man, she was like a 46-ZZ!" That's crazy. The number, like 34, refers to your ribcage measurement (place the measuring tape around your body underneath your boobs). The letter, like B, refers to how many inches larger your breasts are than your ribcage (please the measuring take around your body at nipple level). So, a woman wearing an A cup has boobs that stick out about 1", a B cup, 2", etc. Get it? (Though I must admit that I don't really understand how a DD or DDD fits into that equation -- I've heard that a DD is really just like an E.) Oh, another word about bras. Don't ever put them in the dryer. Always hang to dry. Overnight is always long enough for mine to dry. I have to wear underwires (sigh) and they used to get all bent out of shape quickly and start poking out (those damn things are sharp!!) ... but when I stopped putting them in the dryer they lasted much longer. [argh!] [This message has been edited by michele (edited September 22, 2000).] [This message has been edited by michele (edited September 22, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Laughing_Pain Insomniac |
![]() quote: That makes perfect sense now that I think about it. Every other month, around the time I ovulate, I get this pinching feeling on the lower left side of my back. My cramps are worse that month, also. I never thought about that. IP: Logged |
kristal Forum Whore |
![]() pamie: the rub-thing for the deodorant really does work. I always end up with those icky white stains around the bottom of my non-white shirts, and rubbing the stains together gets rid of them nicely. IP: Logged |
larisa Unemployed |
![]() I have the deoderant problem too. The bottom of my shirt gets caught on my boobs and the bottom gets turned in and rubs against my pits. My solution is simple. I put on deodorant after I put on my shirt by reaching up through the bottom. Thus there is no deodorant to rub off on it when I put it on. A note on yeast infections. I have only had one (more than enough for me), and my doctor told me then that the nasty things are caused by a change in the balance of bacteria down there. This can be caused by a change in the sugars in vaginal secretions or in that area. Things are "sweeter" near your period, so most yeast infections occur around the time of your period. However, if you are on the pill things are always "sweeter," and so you are more likely to get yeast infections than those not on the pill and they can occur at any time. Yeast infections can also mean that there is extra glucose in the area from glucose spilled in urine. Thus a possible symptom of diabetes is frequent yeast infections. IP: Logged |
Womb of Heaven Squishite |
![]() quote: As someone with butt-length hair, I'm going to describe my tried-and-true technique for keeping hair away from the toilet. Bear with me, it's a little silly sounding (and you will understand why I usually wear my hair up). First I gather all my hair up together and drape it over one shoulder. Then I take my shirt and lift it by the bottom hem so that it sort of folds in half horizontally, and tuck the hem under my chin, making sure to catch my hair in the little pouch of shirt that results. This method requires that you keep your chin well-tucked to keep your hair corralled. This way, you have your hands free to wipe, flush, etc. and you can extricate your hair without having to touch it before you can get out and wash your hands, simply by releasing the pouch from your chin (depending on your shirt though). I told you it sounded silly! *blush* IP: Logged |
pamie Head Princess |
![]() I also learned an important lesson about hair and the butt. Don't brush your hair while you're peeing. Just because you're sitting next to a mirror and you're running out of time means it's worth getting all of that hair falling into your underwear. You'd think I'd be smarter than that. IP: Logged |
buggy Squishite |
![]() Hey folks, you know they have those clear deodorants, right? I use the Ban gel, it's a little sticky but has never left a spot on me yet. But back in the days of icky white stuff, rubbing the cloth together works pretty good. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() About Ban Gel: It ruined my favorite black knit sweater. Seriously. I used the deodorant and it bleached out the sweater. I'll never use it again. Instead of white marks from the chalk - like deodorant that I used to use, it left little yellow bleach stained marks. *sniff* IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() quote:
IP: Logged |
wren Squishite |
![]() New tip: When you have to wear a business suit to work and you choose the knee-length skirt option, WEAR Nylons! I don't care if they're thigh-high stockings or pantyhose, but damn well wear them. Because otherwise you look like you've only half dressed for work. Bare feet in pumps (no matter how cute and funky the footwear) look dorky. And unprofessional. Besides, now there are some really great, ultra sheer, super silky, lightweight ones. So use them. If you're doing the pant-option, then opt for trouser socks in an appropriate colour with an appropriate 'pant' shoe. Beacuse no one wears those cutsie thin heels with slacks anymore. How to wear Nylons: Wow. Working for a career woman's clothing store did teach me something. Sidenotes: be careful of both toe and finger nails. Never choose nylons that are darker than your shoes and clothing. Lycra & Silk blends are best but pricier. [This message has been edited by wren (edited September 23, 2000).] IP: Logged |
jateke Superstar |
![]() About Water Bras: They sound wonderful. I want one. Where can I get one? IP: Logged |
christie Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() As long as we are on the hosiery topic -- Closed toe shoe=hose. Open toe shoe=no hose. A note to the gentlemen. This is why you cannot wear socks with sandals. IP: Logged |
vinne Insomniac |
![]() I think socks and sandals are fine as long as they're worn with pants. Shorts, socks, and sandals don't mesh. IP: Logged |
Laughing_Pain Insomniac |
![]() I hate the black socks, sandals and shorts look. I've seen it. It's wrong, people! Those three do NOT belong together. IP: Logged |
emjaybee Squishite |
![]() See, I think any article of clothing that requires you to *boil* it before wearing, so it doesn't rip during *normal* use, is evil. I'm just sayin'. Here's something I learned after a year of misery: if you're on the pill and having constant yeast infections, don't let the doctor tell you it's just "your diet" or "you just have to accept it." You don't and shouldn't accept constant pain, and no responsible doctor would tell you that. Yeast infections nearly ruined my first year of marriage. Plus, having them constantly puts you at risk Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(sometimes when you think you've gotten rid of them, you haven't, and that makes your body very vulnerable). Insist that the doctor change your prescription. If that doesn't work (it didn't for me) look for alternatives. I learned to use a diaphragm, and it was the best thing I could have done for my body. I don't miss the weight gain or sore boobs either. Pills don't work for everyone. IP: Logged |
ChickenGrrl Stalker |
![]() Originally posted by pamie: "The funny thing is, the post actually went: "deoderant...deod...de...deodeorant...no, de... ah, fuck it. "I will never forget again. I just need to be told once. Now, the "it's"/"its" thing? That's just me being stupid. I do it all the time. Sorry." Pamie. Ahhh, pamie. You know you never need to apologize for something as silly as spelling, even to Grammar Bitch! (And don't say you're sorry for saying "Sorry" either!) Heck, my father has a PhD and can't spell for shit, and my husband has spelled "deodorant" the same way you did for the entire 12 years we've been together... yet we're still together! (but at least I know you'll remember it if I actually find the balls to say something!) IP: Logged |
Heather Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Here's a trick to get your nylons on properly withour getting runs: Wet your hands and pull the nylons with the palms of your hands. This works, especially if you're just trying to get them to fit comfortably. I don't suggest doing this to get them all the way on, but if they're just not fitting very well, like the crotch area is nowhere near your actual crotch, wet your hands and pull them up your legs without using your fingers. Start at the bottom, near your ankle. Does this make any sense? I'm a little pooped right now, so if this is incomprehensible, let me know. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() If you do get a run and are out of more palatable options, a little clear nail polish stops it in its tracks (and glues it to your leg hairs all day to boot, unfortunately). Only works if your misfortune is hidden by your clothing once you're dressed, of cours. Don't know what to tell you if the rip is visible when you put your clothes on. It's better if you always have spare hose and get up early enough each morning to have time to run by a drugstore should you get a run in your last pair of nylons, but if you're about as responsible as I am, then this trick may come in handy. IP: Logged |
jillie Squishite |
![]() Hairspray also stops runs in nylons. It's wonderful, supremely portable, and is a little less, erm, obvious than the little blob of nail polish, and also comes off the legs a little easier. Just spritz the top of the run (and any holes!) with the hairspray, and then leave it alone! Don't try to pull the nylons off your skin afterwards, since it makes the hold on the run a touch weaker. I used to spray my toe-area when wearing sandalfooted nylons, as a preventative measure, but I don't think it ever worked. IP: Logged |
rudergirl Padded to Get Here |
![]() I heard that rubbing a bar of soap on the run (like, the beginning of it or each end) will stop it, but I've never tried it. I don't see how that would do anything, but I've been wrong before. IP: Logged |
imzadi22 Squishaholic |
![]() quote: I'm still laughing.... IP: Logged |
alison Squishite |
![]() Okay, I have a question. And I am not embarassed to ask it, damnit, because no one else will tell me anyway. You know when you hear about how women shave... down there? There are women who go completely naked and those who do trimming, etc., and stuff? (Yeah, I'm good at being vague.) 1. What's "the norm"? Okay, my face is burning hardcore... IP: Logged |
Andi Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Regarding the deodorant (did I spell that right??): I fold my shirts horizontally. I take the bottom hem and fold in up to the armpits. Then I put my shirt on, and unfold. Any deodorant smudges are left on the *inside* of my shirt. IP: Logged |
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