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Author | Topic: girl tips |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: "The norm" is whatever works best for you. Honest. Unless you work in an industry that would put your netherparts on display (or require you to wear a swimsuit, etc., who you show your parts to is your business, and if he or she doesn't like how you choose to arrange yourself, then that is THEIR problem, not yours. Just decide what works best for you, and trim or not trim the way you want. There will be MILLIONS of women doing it exactly the same way out there. (Unless you do something extra-creative, like shaving it into a heart and dyeing it funky colors. There probably aren't a million of those out there. But it's a valid option nevertheless.) IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() I would be ... um ... creative enough to try to dye it different colors. Not that I would ever admit to something like that or anything. IP: Logged |
Katrin Forum Diva |
![]() Oh man, now I gotta tell this story. My husband and I were at this festival-type thingy a few years ago, camping up in the mountains, and there was this girl there with a bright pink mohawk. My husband sort of knew her (I think they'd worked together at one point) but not well. The whole time, both of us were wondering whether she had, y'know, one pink mohawk or two. This was one of those events where clothing restrictions were a bit relaxed, and finally we did get a glimpse of her. Yep, bright pink down there too. She probably did it especially for the festival. I've never been brave enough to try something like that (shaving/waxing is one thing; chemical dye right there is another) - but I did admire her for doing it. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() Oh, God! That is too hilarious. I can imagine the looks she was getting. But hey, we have to give her points: at least the rugs matched the curtains. (I've always wanted to use that phrase. Damn. I finally did it.) IP: Logged |
ChickenGrrl Stalker |
![]() Another girl-tip I forgot to add in my sunscreen rant... Sleep on your back. I know this is a hard one, and one I still can't do (because old habits die hard, and I learned about this too late in life), but... If you sleep on your stomach or side (99% of the night for me, unfortunately), you mush your face. Those mushes, over time, turn into wrinkles. I have some lines in WEIRD places on my face, and I am 100% sure they are from my sleep position. (I've checked the mirror immediately after getting up to be sure.) I don't know what to suggest if you are a die-hard stomach- or side-sleeper like me, but try to train yourself to sleep on your back to prevent these wrinkles! (Maybe one of those neck pillows where you couldn't sleep on your side without smothering?) Your skin (and ego) will thank you for it later. Oh, and another one regarding sleep: if you sleep on your side, put a pillow between your legs. I have terrible lower-back problems now, and I'm sure at least some of it is from sleeping on my side with my hip all out of whack, my knee lower than my hip. And, thanks imzadi, for giving the props to Lorelei_Lee about the "Front to back! Wax on, wax off! All one! Dilute! Dilute! OK!" thing. I somehow didn't catch that the first time around, even though I've been using Dr. Bronner's for like 20 years! ROFLMAO! IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() For those with allergic reactions to metal touching skin. This can be with jewelry, glasses or bra clasps: Paint the metal surfaces that touch the skin with clear nail polish. It works like a charm and prevents allergic reactions to the nickel in certain metals. There is a product by Sally Hansen that is specifically for painting metal to protect the skin but clear nailpolish works better and lasts longer. It's less expensive, too. IP: Logged |
Reine Stalker |
![]() Chickengrrl, no offense, but that sounds like an old wives tale to me. Wrinkles are caused by sun damage and by making the same facial expressions over and over for years. But maybe I just refuse to believe because I can't fall asleep on my back! ![]() IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: When you smush your face into a pillow, you are making "the same facial expression" for hours on end. You know how your hair looks in the morning? You just did that to your face if you didn't sleep on your back all night. I'm not happy with this either, as I'm a side sleeper. But she's not making it up. It is written in the Big Golden Book of Beauty that a satin pillowcase helps, but my grandmother uses those and my head keeps ziiiiiiip, sliding or falling off the damn things. I don't think that's any better for my complexion. IP: Logged |
Jennie Squishite |
![]() Finally! A place where I can ask this question and not be embarrassed! Well, okay. I'm still embarrassed. What is the "normal" way to wipe after going to the bathroom? Over the years, I have accumulated vague information that leads me to believe that perhaps I do it in an odd way. Whether I do #1 or #2, I reach my hand between my legs to wipe. Is everyone else reaching their hand behind their butt? I need to finally know the truth!! IP: Logged |
haela Squishite |
![]() You need to get one of those Texas-size backscratchers. They rule and you can get them in any 'ol souvenier store in Texas. Don't live in Texas? Come visit! [Er this was in reference to something but I am very tired and I forgot what and I don't even see what I was talking about on this page. I'm sorry.] [Oh, and to be on topic, I reach behind my butt when I poop!] [This message has been edited by haela (edited October 01, 2000).] [This message has been edited by haela (edited October 01, 2000).] IP: Logged |
snh72 Forum Whore |
![]() Jennie - there is a whole discussionon this very topic in one of the other formums - girl tips or tampons or something - I can't remember which one and am too lazy to look it up. You should also wipe Front to Back to prevent various types of infections. IP: Logged |
sarawr Squishite |
![]() *dies laughing* i'm sorry.. i just.. yeesh. why the hell does it matter how everyone else wipes? *being all nonconformist* as long as you're clean and not picking up any yucky infections, you're okay. IP: Logged |
grrlfrende Forum Whore |
![]() I have three lines straight across my forehead that I just noticed the other night (from raising my eyebrows straight up). It's true, for sure that wrinkles are caused by sun damage and making the same faces for years and years. Genetics too. My first noticeable wrinkles come from what can only be described as a look of surprise. What does that say about my life? It doesn't feel like I've been surprised enough to be wrinkled by it. Maybe they're also from a constant look of skepticism. That seems right. My only girl tip is moisturize. All of my friends have more wrinkles than me and I've been religiously slathering on the moisturizer for ten years. I can't tell you a specific brand, I always switch. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: It is in this very forum, actually. Front to back. (blunt) If you want to reach through your legs, okay, fine, just don't wipe fecal germs into your delicate girl parts. It may be slightly more difficult to avoid doing that using your method, but I'm sure it is not impossible.(/blunt) It isn't about being a conformist or not, it is about avoiding getting "ass germs" (as pamie so eloquently phrased it) in your cootchie (or in your eye, whatever). IP: Logged |
Jennie Squishite |
![]() I know there's a discussion about the front-to-back wipe, but I've just been curious about this which-way-do-you-reach thing for quite some time, now. I know it doesn't *matter* or anything, I'm just really curious. It's like, how did I learn to do it the way I do it?? I guess I'll ask my mom. ![]() IP: Logged |
lizr Squishite |
![]() Girly tips - use a lash curler on your eyelashes before you put on mascara, makes them long and sexy. Hairspray gets ink stains out of cotton clothing. If you have little hairs on your upper lip, by Jolen creme bleach and bleach the damn things. If you are really hairy on your upper lip, shave it. If you make soup and oversalt it, put in a peeled potato for about an hour. Take out the potato and taste the soup - it takes alot of the salt out - wierd food chemistry that really works. Go to Home Depot, buy a cheap plastic toolbox, buy a hammer, a couple of flat and phillips head screwdrivers, a wrench and a pair of pliers. By some nails in varying sizes. By duct tape and WD-40. You will now be able to fix all sorts of teeny things that go wrong. It will make your life much easier. You can never go wrong buying a man a cordless drill for a present. Even if he already has three cordless drills he will get all excited and happy. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: THAT is one of the niftiest tricks I've ever heard! IP: Logged |
ErikZ Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() You can never go wrong buying a man a cordless drill for a present. Even if he already has three cordless drills he will get all excited and happy. You know, I'm torn between sterotype disapproval and 'Oh boy! A 12v cordless drill!' Ah well, be true to yourself. IP: Logged |
trouble Squishite |
![]() okay have to full-on disagree with lizr about the moustache thing. that's not a girl tip, that's something to make you self-conscious about your body as it is naturally. my tip is: you know what? most people are not the fashion police, and *especially regarding things which you are born with, like body hair, freckles, etc* there are people out there who *love* anything, including women with a bit of moustache. some folks find it cute or sexy, and others don't give a damn. My tip is, don't get too sucked into beauty treatments. they should exist in order to make you feel good, to feel extra-special about yourself. If you are really bothered by lip hair, or something, if it interferes with your ability to enjoy your day, or if people (once you're out of junior high) seem to make you aware of it, then do something if you like, but don't think that you have to, please. sorry that just totally put my back up. folks have enough to worry about, especially girls, regarding their appearance. there's also an ethnic issue here, which means I find the comment a bit distasteful. plus i'm all caffeinated and shit. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() This isn't a girl tip, but it's a potato tip and I think we're talking about those here too. If you have a broken lightbulb in your house and can't unscrew it, cut a potato in half and twist it into the broken glass of the lightbulb. Now twist the whole potato around to unscrew the lightbulb. No mess, no cuts on your hand, removed lightbulb. IP: Logged |
ExisTenz Squishite |
![]() originally posted by someone and im too lazy to check who - If you are really hairy on your upper lip, shave it. NOO!!!! DO NOT EVER DO THAT! you will be shaving your face for the rest of your life, and you will get five o'clock shadow, and it will be horrible. Bleach, bleach, bleach is the way to go. IP: Logged |
Melissa Bob |
![]() If you want the moustache to be truly gone, wax it. IP: Logged |
MorganG Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: I'm a girl, yo, but one of my favorite Christmas presents EVER was the cordless screwdriver my brother gave me. Every home should have one. They're so handy! And they're the best for taking the cover off your computer tower. IP: Logged |
Katrin Forum Diva |
![]() quote: Y'know, I was sitting here thinking that my hubby would have NO use for a cordless screwdriver, and if I got him one, he'd probably think I was really just buying it for myself. But when you mentioned using it to take the case off your computer, I thought, hey, that's something we could both use! IP: Logged |
Its Kat Bob |
![]() I think they were mentioned earlier in this topic, but last night I bought those Oil of Olay daily wash sheet things. (sorry, I forget things so easily, but you guys know what I'm talking about so quit pretending like you don't!) I am in love after only using them twice. My skin has that nice tight feeling afterwards, it dried up what was left of a monster period zit (you know, the ONE HUGE zit you get just before your period) and my face feels really soft. So, yeah, in love. mm mm mm. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: I almost posted this same tip! I chickened only because I hadn't actually tried it myself. I have only ONCE gotten a broken-in-the-socket bulb and I put a rubber glove on and got it out that way. Carefully. Because I had a rubber glove but no potatoes. I was scared that someone would do it and the damp potato would electrocute them. I worry about dumb things too much. I think that if at least two of us have heard of this trick, it might be worth a try. IP: Logged |
imzadi22 Squishaholic |
![]() quote: I'm telling you - whoever recommended these ROCK! IP: Logged |
rudergirl Padded to Get Here |
![]() I even have my mom using them now...at first she was like, "What? Where did you hear about these?" heh IP: Logged |
JonnyX Squishite |
![]() oh man..I can't believe I made it through this whole thread... IP: Logged |
Melissa Bob |
![]() Johnny, I'm so proud. Tips IP: Logged |
inkpoppy Squishite |
![]() my bestest friend once told me to take four ibuprofen a couple of days before my period and it would significantly help the cramping. it works pretty well. once you *are* cramping, sleeping with an electric blanket under your lower back, elevating your feet, or laying on your side and curling your knees up as much as possible towards your chest ALL work well. sometimes i do all three... IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() Never brush wet hair with a hairbrush. Always use a comb if you insist on brushing your hair out while it's wet. Using a comb will prevent split ends on wet hair. IP: Logged |
Meg Bob |
![]() quote: Well, I haven't shocked myself yet and I've done it just about every single week for the past four months. There are entirely too many broken lightbulbs in the lamps around here. hee. But it does work. The water that is in the potatoes isn't enough to shock someone. If you're worried about it, though, just take the plug out of the wall before you remove the broken piece of glass with the potato. That will take all posibilities of shocking yourself away. IP: Logged |
deelia Stalker |
![]() One of the best girl tips (or anybody tips!) I ever got was from my friend Susan. I used to have this habit of saying "I'm so dumb that I..." or "I'm so stupid" Susan looked at me one day after I said it, like shocked, and said, "How would you feel if someone else called you stupid? Never. Ever. Call yourself stupid." Even though I always said it in a joking way, her reaction just kind of woke me up. She was so right. It never made me feel better, or funny. Don't ever try to cover up for something embarassing or a mistake by calling yourself stupid. Don't put yourself down. IP: Logged |
pomegranita Squishite |
![]() i also would like to thank the cool diva who suggested the oil of olay daily facials.... i love love love love them. they make my face feel fabulous, i went out and bought the active hydrating creme too and love that as well. goes on so nice, no greasy feel and lasts... i live in buffalo where the weather is quite dry and it's absolutely lovely. ciao. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: Obviously, if I had a broken bulb in something that would be unpluggable, no problem. The only bulb I can recall that shattered in the fixture where a potato might help was in a ceiling fixture. Not being a wiring/fuse wizard, I didn't feel comfortable poking anything damp up in the socket. Just a clarification. (I'm not a total moron, I just play one--in a TV box--in New Jag City. :P ) IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: Susan rocks. I have a bad habit of doing this. I think it's the human equivalent of how dogs go up to the Alpha Male and bare their throats and look submissive. I.e., 'look at how harmless and unthreatening I am--see, I'm absing myself. Now you don't have to beat up on me, I've saved you the trouble'. I got mixed messages from my family (and still do) all throughout my childhood. Not only was a (certifiably) a genius with talents and great beauty, I was also constantly being criticized, told that I "should know better" or I "was not reaching my potential" or that I "was not making an attractive face / dressing attractively", etc. You end up getting angrily defensive with people you are closest to--you KNOW they are capable of verbally beating up on you and trying to 'improve' you--and being passive and self-effacing with people you aren't as sure around--you don't know whether they will be accepting or just as prone to try and make you over into someone they think is better than who you are already. That's my theory, anyway. IP: Logged |
Kelly Science is Tight |
![]() quote: I do this all the time! But if Susan had asked *me* how I'd feel if someone else called me stupid, well...I'd feel like at least someone was being honest with me. I call myself stupid BECAUSE no one else will (except for my parents), and I don't want to delude myself into thinking I'm better than I actually am. When I do something dumb and no one calls me on it, I don't know how to handle it. If no one else is going to punish me, then I'm going to have to take it upon myself to do it. This probably means that I need professional help or something, but hey, no one's perfect, right? IP: Logged |
wren Squishite |
![]() quote: Um... Maybe it's just me... but um... does no one else find these things really very, um... wasteful. Maybe it's just because I'm the second coming of the Recycling Queen, but I just kind of thought, well, that... um... Are they paper or fabric-y? Do they decompose? Are they flushable? And you know the commercials? Where the chick chucks all her bottled beauty products into the garbage can half full? Damnit - couldn't that have been a blue box? I mean, of course you should rinse them out first, but regardless, the symbolism would've been better. Recycle people! Recycle all those plastic bottles! This message was brought to you by the letter R and the number 3. Ooh a story dawned on me: Our little nephew was around 6 or so when his mom took him out to by a Christmas present for Grandma. What did he want to get her? Oil of Old Lady (Truth! His own words!) to make her beautiful. When asked if it worked on her, "Oh yes Dramma! Your skin looks healthy glow!" Hee. IP: Logged |
wren Squishite |
![]() Sorry for the incredible length of that. I did have a tip to start that last one but forgot to post it: for those prone to letting their pots boil over. Gather 3 or 4 glass or steelie marbles. Sterilize or wash well in hot soapy water. Pop them in your pot of whatever you plan on boiling over. When they start to rumble quickly you'll hear them and remember to check your pot. You can now buy little metal pucks that do exactly this (Pampered Gourmet). I talk a lot. IP: Logged |
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