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Why Girls Are Weird what's your... "thing?" (Page 2)
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Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
posted December 06, 2000 02:06 PM
quote: hee hee hee! That one tickled my funny bone. IP: Logged |
Luz Forum Diva |
posted December 06, 2000 02:09 PM
ummm... I *have* to count how many seconds it takes me to pee. "1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi"....I've gotten to 30 Mississippi's, yo. IP: Logged |
Fluid_Darkness Superstar |
posted December 06, 2000 02:12 PM
quote: Hey Lorelei, would you mind naming my Jeep? :o) I want to see what you'd come up with. (Note: I've added a white decal on the top of the windshield stating "Jeep" since the picture.) IP: Logged |
Fluid_Darkness Superstar |
posted December 06, 2000 02:22 PM
I prefer the TP to be hanging from the top, but I can live with either way, as long as the new roll isn't sitting on top of the used one. I like the lid to be down on the toilet. Girls should not complain about it because I'm a guy, I have to look where I'm going in the dark, too. The lid down is best for sanitary purposes. My real pet peeve is people who do not flush. I don't care if it's only pee in there. Don't tell me you're trying to conserve water, either. That's baloney. Keep my toilet clean! Unless you're going to offer to scrub the toilet for me every few days. I understand if you forget to flush. I do that once in a blue moon and I always kick myself when I do. But if it's a habit, I'm sending you to obedience school. Another thing is that I'm very picky about what kinds of jeans I will wear. I think the large, baggy type is just tacky. Call me anti-trendy, but I like the tapered leg look. IP: Logged |
MeghanM Superstar |
posted December 06, 2000 02:30 PM
Toilet paper has to hang over the top of the roll. It's a law. Silverware has to be compartmentalized. There must not be extraneous things in the taskbar in windows. CDs have to be alphabetized. Books must all face the same direction. Clocks must be between seven and thirteen minutes fast, save the computer clock, which is allowed to be three minutes slow. I'm a freak. IP: Logged |
Trillian Hardcore Squishite |
posted December 06, 2000 02:46 PM
quote: exactly. my cat used to do this all the time. so toilet paper MUCH be down the back. also, I hate it when the end of the paper drags on the floor, and if it's hanging down the back, all you have to do is give the front a smack and it rolls itself up - no dragging. other than that - god knows. too many to count, I'm sure. I've agreed with a lot on here, but I don't feel like typing it all out :P [This message has been edited by Trillian (edited December 06, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Trillian Hardcore Squishite |
posted December 06, 2000 02:47 PM
quote: *giggle* are you sure? I think that must be the place where they sit around picking their belly button lint. hee. IP: Logged |
Ms. Brooks Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 02:56 PM
when i'm eating a meal, i have to eat everything in order. like ok, let's say i have some chicken, vegetables, and rice and milk. i have to eat the chicken first and i can't like take a bite of the chicken and then eat some vegetables. no. i have to do it one at a time. then at the end i drink all of my milk. and if any of the food touches the other foods, then i have to throw the contaminated part away. there is no mixing. i hate it. and i hate watching people mix things together it makes me sick. IP: Logged |
Soshal Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 03:12 PM
I absolutely can NOT touch wet wood. Like wooden spoons, cutting boards, or the wooden handles on some knives. Especially if it is old wood. I have a special set of plastic handled knives at my friends place for when I eat dinner there, and she got me a steel ladle so I didn't have to use the wooden spoon when I cook at her place. I was cycling up in Algonquin one time, and it started to rain. We stopped for a few minutes because the road was so wet, and when I leaned my bike against a tree, I screamed and dropped the bike when my hand hit the wood. *sigh* What a way to impress my fellow cyclers. And TP must go over the top, facing out. Hangers must have the open part facing the back of the closet, and the keys on my keyring go from biggest to smallest. I also can NOT let a candle burn right to the bottom. If it gets low, I start a new one. I'd hate to think of how many 3/4 burnt candles are scattered around my house. IP: Logged |
dwinslow Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 03:16 PM
quote: I have a habit of keeping quotes from friends when they say something remarkable. My friend Cynthia lives by the rules you described above. Mind you, she looks just like Rachel Hunter. Several Thanksgivings ago, while eating the holiday meal at our house, she shrieked, put both of her hands on her head in pulling her hair, and said "My God I can't stand it!!! The cauliflower is touching my turkey!!!!!" She wasn't kidding. Ain't the brain an amazing organ? IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 06, 2000 03:53 PM
quote: Again, it's hard to get the perfect name without knowing someone's quirks and how the car behaves, but I'll try. Looks like a "Samuel L. Jeepster" to me. Sort of a Pulp Fiction / ultra cool / rock 'n' roll vibe going there. (I toyed with "Vincent Vega" but rejected it.) But you shouldn't call him "Sammy". He's a "Samuel". He has big wheels. He demands respect and a middle initial. Will kick your ass, yo, if you get fresh. I admit the white "Hello, My Name Is JEEP" windscreen sticker thing you allude to did throw me off a bit. (I can't see Shaft wearing a "Hi, I'm SHAFT" sticker on his suit. I'm just sayin'.) [This message has been edited by Lorelei_Lee (edited December 06, 2000).] IP: Logged |
dwinslow Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 03:58 PM
quote: Maybe on the slacks..... IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 06, 2000 04:05 PM
quote: I'm in denial. Shaft don't wear no pansy-ass sticker, yo. If you don't know who Shaft is, you a sucka. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 06, 2000 04:07 PM
BTW, word on the diagonal sandwich thing. They simply don't taste as good rectangular. And on the quirk front, if my bra and underwear don't match or coordinate, I'm probably depressed. It's a thing. IP: Logged |
Fluid_Darkness Superstar |
posted December 06, 2000 04:11 PM
Hehehe... Samuel L. Jeepster it is. I admit the Jeep decal thing is pretty bold, but that's an indication of me trying to overcome my shyness. Everybody says it looks very classy. My one touch of personality on the car other than the paper poppy on the rear view mirror. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 06, 2000 04:15 PM
quote: *pleased to have been helpful* P.S. I didn't say SAMUEL wouldn't wear a sticker. Just talkin' 'bout SHAFT. [This message has been edited by Lorelei_Lee (edited December 06, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Hiro Insomniac |
posted December 06, 2000 04:16 PM
For the past 6 or 7 years, i have consumed every fortune cookie i've ever received whole. paper fortune and all. I don't open it, i don't break it... i just eat it. This is not a habit i point out to people while dining.... and i'll usually skip the cookie if i'm not at home... but if it's delivered, that fortune is gone. I just have no need to know my future. That's just creepy. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 06, 2000 04:22 PM
That's one way to insure that you get your daily allotment of fibre! Don't worry, Hiro, they always say pretty much the same thing: You have [good quality here]. Embrace [good quality], reject [potential bad character trait] and you will be one with the Great Tao. The smileys come standard. However, you may have eaten 400 winning lottery number combinations. Winning lottery number buys a lot of fried rice. IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
posted December 06, 2000 04:53 PM
I wish I had coorinating panties/bra! all my bra's are white. (tmi?) IP: Logged |
Winddance Superstar |
posted December 06, 2000 05:09 PM
quote: Oh, you are SO right! People always look at me funny when I take about 10 pairs of jeans in the dressing room with me, but they all fit differently. Some of them don't fit at all. But if you're gonna pay that much for a pair of jeans, then goshdarnit they had just better fit... IP: Logged |
Winddance Superstar |
posted December 06, 2000 05:17 PM
I have to do everything in exactly the same order when I get up in the morning. This way I don't have to think about it, I can just put my brain on autopilot and stay in dreamland. 1. turn off alarm I have long since realized how scary this is. I have really awful days if something changes. And toilet paper must hang down the back, yo. I hate it when it's over the top! Seriously...if you yank on it to tear it, more just comes off. It's so much easier the other way around. I don't bother correcting...I honestly don't care -that- much... -WD, the Lazoid [edited to fix some pretty funny spelling errors] [This message has been edited by Winddance (edited December 06, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 06, 2000 05:29 PM
I'm not a Touretter, I'm an ARTISTE! IP: Logged |
vt_rugbygirl Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 06:24 PM
I have to put my left sock on before my right. My left shoe on before the right. The left leg is the first to come out of the pants, the first one out. The same with my arms and my shirts. If I put my right ANYTHHING on first, I feel discombobulated for the rest of the day. I WILL correct the toilet paper anywhere I am if it's not over the top. I don't care. If they dont' like it, they can fix it after I leave. Plus I won't wash my white underwear, white socks, and white towels with anything that has ANY color at all on it. I'm weird like that. Even if it's just a little bit of pink in one spot, that disqualifies it for the whites wash cycle. IP: Logged |
alli Forum Diva |
posted December 06, 2000 07:12 PM
I'm so glad that I'm not the only freak around here. I'm on over the top girl, too. Thanks, Mom. I have my presets from lowest to highest and I have to go through them all every time. In my 200 CD changer, all the CDs are alphabetized.....plus, I couldn't imagine parting with all the cases, so they are alphabetized, as well. But the CDs I don't have room for in my changer are alphabetized in a section all their own. Oh...and I typed up a list. Scary, yes. I put my left contact in first. Every. Time. My towels are to be folded a certain way. If anyone volunteers to fold them, I try to discourage them because no matter how many times I try, no one but my mother can fold them how I like 'em. Thanks again, mom. My closet is organized by types of clothing and colors. Short sleeve t-shirts grouped together, long sleeve tshirts together, you get the gist. My shoes are still in their original boxes. They are sorted by style. My ex made fun of all my shoes and the fact that they are in boxes. Notice I said EX. heh.
[This message has been edited by alli (edited December 06, 2000).] IP: Logged |
christie Punk Ass Bitch |
posted December 06, 2000 07:13 PM
Let me solve this for y'all - TP goes on top of the toilet. If it's on the spindle the cat unrolls that whole roll. My list of "things" • I don't wear a watch and I'm very rarely late. I just know what time it is. IP: Logged |
Ms. Brooks Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 08:17 PM
when i get bored, i take all of my rings off and put them in a little pile. then i put them all on the wrong fingers, and then take them off, and put them on the right fingers. it's fun. hehehe. when i was little- i saw this episode of full house where stephanie routinely chews her food something like 32 times before she swallows it. i thought that was the coolest idea, so i did that too. IP: Logged |
Ms. Brooks Forum Whore |
posted December 06, 2000 08:18 PM
quote: does anybody name their boobs? phoebe on friends did in this one episode and i just thought that was the cutest thing. IP: Logged |
sugarfish Punk Ass Bitch |
posted December 06, 2000 10:16 PM
i cannot take the first item in the row at a store. i always reach around to get the one behind. if there's only one, i won't buy it. (if there's only one something must be wrong, yo!) i do the same thing with newspapers. i just don't like thinking someone's touched my stuff before i get it. IP: Logged |
Dwanollah Forum Diva |
posted December 06, 2000 10:22 PM
I don't so much any more, but I used to name clothes/outfits. Like the Hilary Clinton suit, the 1970s RV Curtain skirt, the Greg Brady prom jacket, the Johnny Angel dress, the I Love Lucy dress, the scribble jeans.... IP: Logged |
cricket Superstar |
posted December 07, 2000 12:15 AM
My underwear must be folded a certain way and arranged in color grouplings. Blue, Black, Reds/pinks, Whites, etc. Toilet paper *must* got over the top. I count everything. Telephones poles while driving, tiles on floors, lines in a poem... *EVERYTHING* I see numbers as shades of gray. You tell me a number and I can tell you if it's a dark, light or medium gray. These gray shades never change and they are ever present in my mind whenever I see/read/hear a number. If you gave me black paint and white paint, and gave me some numbers, I could mix up their *exact* gray shade. Somebody who was in a semiotics class once told me that some insanely small percentage of people associate numbers like this. My right contact *must* go in forst and come out first. I must always have a paintbrush, a set of needlenose pliers and my cigarettes in my purse. At. All. Times. I can not sleep with a top sheet. I have a bottom sheet and a comforter, but I can NOT have that top sheet in between my comforter and myself, because it gets tangled up and is never the same length as my comforter and it Drives. Me. Nuts. I must always be covered by something, even on the hottest days of the summer. If the sheet (I use only a top sheet in the summer, so the comforter thing doesn't apply) is only covering my butt and my tummy, that's ok, but it must at least be covering those areas. Dishes in the sink must be done. I am extremely anal about this and will never put even a spoon in the sink to be washed later. It's done right there. I must have reading material everywhere. If I am in the bathroom with no magazines, even if I am only there briefly, I read lotion bottles or shampoo bottles or whatever. I must always have my stuffed horse to sleep with. She's my second pillow and is the perfect flatness. My other pillow must be relatively flat as well. I can not just sleep with one pillow that is the smae thickness as my horse and my other pillow, though. Must. Be. Exact. Mayonnaise must always be put on the bread. Mustard can NEVER be put on the bread, it must go ON the hotdog or deli meat or hamburger. I can not eat the following foods because of their texture alone, although I love their flavor: all fish (besides smoked salmon, tuna and sushi), onions, cooked mushrooms, jello and some pudding.
[edited to say that ketchup must never go on the bread either and can NEVER be spelled 'catsup'-drives me crazy] [This message has been edited by cricket (edited December 07, 2000).] IP: Logged |
dimsum Insomniac |
posted December 07, 2000 01:14 AM
I am the only person I know of who does NOT have a passionate opinion about which way the TP faces. I can and do live with whichever direction it happens to be when I pick it up to put it on the roll. This drives friends crazy, because it faces a different direction each time they visit. However: CDs must be alphabetized or I cannot sleep. Clothes must be washed in Tide and dried with Bounce, or they're just not right. (Oddly, I developed this behavior independent of my upbringing, my mother has always gone with whatever was cheapest.) If there is old tape left on any surface (this is a big issue in cubicle farms), I will stand there and peel it all off, no matter what else I have to do, this must be done NOW. No ragged edges on paper. I'll break out the scissors if I have to. I compulsively fold or compartmentalize my trash when eating out (wrappers, napkins, etc.) until I have one tidy unit that takes the staff less than 2 seconds to dispose of. If you ever put so much as a single bite mark on my pen, I get to bitch slap you. It's part of the pen-loaning agreement. If I have to remind you more than three times to use spellcheck, I have your computer taken away. I don't want any more memos from the likes of you. If you're going to use big words to sound good, look them up first to make sure you really understand what they mean. You don't want me chasing you down the hall flinging Merriam-Websters at you. Ok, so my major hang-ups are all work -related. I do usually handle them with more grace than if my instincts ruled the day. IP: Logged |
sutel Rockstar |
posted December 07, 2000 03:42 AM
I MUST have a watch on my wrist at all time. You see, I have no concept of time. If you took away my watch, I would have no idea how much time has passed. I freak out if my watch is broken or lost. I have a morning routine as well. Wake up, take a shower, get dressed, eat toast and tea, and then watch Bewitched as I blow dry my hair, brush my teeth, and generally get myself ready. This morning, however, stupid flatmate was already in the kitchen and I couldn't prop the door open to watch Bewitched like I usually do. Pfft. She shouldn't have skipped class, yo. She was wrecking my routine. Also, I will not speak to you in the morning. It is too early to talk. Please do not talk to me, or your head will be bitten off. Some people just don't get this. IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
posted December 07, 2000 06:13 AM
The texture of foods can really drive me crazy too... No matter how good it tastes, cottege cheese, tapioca pudding, stuff with that texture makes me want to gag. This is making me realize that people all have their individual little "things" that they *have* to have/do. It makes me wonder how uncomfortable my guests are when they stay at my house... things are different than they are in their normal routine... and it sounds like that can really drive some people mad! IP: Logged |
aellis Insomniac |
posted December 07, 2000 06:26 AM
quote: Oh my God, I forgot all about this one. Actually I didn't even consider it as "a thing", but thinking about it now, there's no way I could have my presets any differently. IP: Logged |
dinobeast Hardcore Squishite |
posted December 07, 2000 07:13 AM
quote: Shut yo' mouth! IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 07, 2000 07:45 AM
quote: He's a complicated man IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 07, 2000 07:52 AM
quote: I can relate to all of these. Except I'm so bizarre, I sleep under a lighter comforter during the summer and aim a fan at myself. In general, I make the bed up as per normal, but instead of pulling down the top sheet (which is all nicely hospital-folded at the corners and arranged to that if you did pull it down, the pattern would show and match the fitted sheet), I sleep on top of it. On the "wrong" side. Under a comforter. When I had a BF, he liked the top sheet, so I adjusted, but suddenly realized why most people don't make their beds every day. If you have left your sheets alone, flicking the comforter up makes the bed. If not, you have to untangle this wad of sheets and comfoter and so on and really make a production out of it. I also read compulsively. I"m the only person I know who--as an example--has read the TSS warning and "how to" sheets that come in Tampax boxes. Well, only person to read it more than once, surely. And I read shampoo bottles, ingredient labels, footnotes, liner notes, clothing labels--anything I can. I can't eat a meal by myself without something to read. I can't even just eat and watch TV alone, I must have readingmaterial. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
posted December 07, 2000 07:53 AM
quote: Meant to add "...so I turn on the Closed Captioning and my roommate gets annoyed because she hates it." IP: Logged |
Jamie Squishaholic |
posted December 07, 2000 08:03 AM
quote: Actually, I don't. I mean I have habits, like how I put the TP on (over the top) and my contacts in (right first) but it doesn't freak me out if I can't have it that way. In fact, I've been getting a wee bit freaked out by some of the stuff I'm reading on this thread, hehe. [This message has been edited by Jamie (edited December 07, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Anna Beth Science is Tight |
posted December 07, 2000 08:10 AM
quote: No you're not. I read it every time I get a new box. This may also explain my irrational TSS fear. IP: Logged |
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