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Author | Topic: what's your... "thing?" |
rudergirl Padded to Get Here |
![]() Oh, the kitties! If I can't find one of mine, I search all over the house until I find her. Behind the dryer is a favorite hiding place, so I have to go spelunking behind it in search of them. VERY annoying...but necessary, yo. I feel your cat-mother pain. Mih. IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Oh, Rg I am SO glad I am not alone! Sometimes I feel like I am crazy manic obsessive cat mom. I truly worry about them all the time... what if they are feeling sad, what if they have a tummy ache... etc. And yes, always have to know where they are. I'll wake up in the night if they aren't curled up at my feet or on my bed somewhere. Then I have to find them and then I can get back to sleep. I know they love dryer/washer hideouts... I am always worried they are going to get hurt back there, so when I open the closet doors (my w/d are in a closet) I am careful, and I can't close the closet without first searching my house to find where the cats are to make sure they aren't in the closet. I'm a freak. Seriously. ![]() Cat-moms unite! [This message has been edited by Kinipela6 (edited December 08, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() My cat used to weigh 28 pounds, so he didn't really hide all that well. Now that he's down to a more reasonable 15 pounds, he still doesn't fit behind anything. The point is moot, anyway: he comes running when he hears my car pull up in the driveway and stands at attention in the foyer like a butler. He used to do this for my exBF as well. He now does it for my roommate. He'll do it whether he's been fed or not--he just loves greeting people. When we have big parties, he sits in the middle of the room and purrs. We were accused of feeding our cat Kitty Valium once. His "thing" is that he has a Lick Spot. If you pat him anywhere from the eyebrows on back, he licks himself. And he will start and stop licking when you start and stop petting him. It's hilarious. He also has made himself lick the thin air madly while scratching. IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Lorelei_Lee that is so funny... 28 pound cat! Wow! My cats do the "butler greeting" at the doorway too... it's so sweet. One of my cats "thing" is a lick thing too... but it's that he will lick ANYTHING. He licks the window, he licks the carpet, he licks me, he licks his brother cat, anything. It is so cute. IP: Logged |
stephanie_plum Forum Diva |
![]() OMG, I am a neurotic kitty-mom too! If the cats aren't where I expect them to be when I expect them to be there, I MUST.FIND.THEM. immediately. Drives my family nuts - and the worst part of it is - the cats don't even like me best - they like Mr. Plum and he hates cats. [This message has been edited by stephanie_plum (edited December 08, 2000).] IP: Logged |
starlight Winner |
![]() I just now got to this! aaaack!! I'd like to say a big "word" to some of the things listed on pamie's flaws list in her entry today. except I hate my birthmarks [most of them] like they are scars. ug-ly! no one else seems to notice or care. it's my thing. plus, I read things on the web even if I don't care or like it to say I read them. umm okay, here's somemore things I must do: -read a magazine cover to cover whether I like every article or not. even ads must be read; even small print like on those vodka ads where it says, "anything goes, but drinking irresponsibly" or something like that. bleh. -I must have food as bland as possible and I don't mix foods either. I hate the idea of "the bad burp" so I can't stand having food with taste. I can't even eat chocolate because it leaves a bad burp in me. I have to eat sugar or butter cookies most often since those are the only ones that don't leave bad burp. I'm weird, yo! -doors shut when sleeping; blinds down; two pillow; it doesn't matter about comforter except I don't like to wrinkle it much or pull it down, I flap over one piece and crawl in and leave my feet sticking out. it ends up tangled by morning but I can't sleep unless it is this way when falling asleep. -I always must brush my hair once I get out of bed for the day and no one must see me before I do this. it's a must!!! -I get in a bad mood for the whole day if I miss my soap at 1pm. if I wake up late or something I'm horribly pissed off and no one better get in my way. -mom just reminded me that I always put my left hand in a fist and rub the thumb over my nose till it flattens over and over again; ya know, when I'm just idely sitting.
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Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Yes, pamies entry today (yesterday) rocked. I love this topic. I can't believe I forgot about this thing I have. I am SO ANAL about my checkbook. a) my husband does NOT get to touch it... he'll mess it up IP: Logged |
Fluid_Darkness Superstar |
![]() quote: LMAO! You're such a wiseass! You so crazy, girl. IP: Logged |
blazer Hardcore Squishite |
![]() When I was a kid I did this freaky compulsive thing that's similar to the counting some of you do. I'd follow the lines and angles of a room with my eyes over and over. For instance, if there were ceiling tiles in my classroom I'd be listening to the teacher but my eyes would be racing around the angles and lines of the ceiling tiles, to the edge, down the corner of the wall, across the carpet edge, up the door frame, etc etc. I did this all. the. time. for years. Until I got old enough to realize I was a freak and made myself stop. It took a while to break the habit. My husband has all his radio pre-sets in ascending numerical order. How dorky. I arrange mine in whatever order I feel like, but usually in order of my favorites from most liked station to least. And, no, I don't check them all. I hear something I like, I stop. And sing. The burner pans on the stove must be cleaned after using the stove. I hate grimy burner pans. Ew. I like to have 'backup' soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc on hand. It's a drag to find only a teaspoon of shampoo left while you're in the shower. Gotta have a backup handy. Usually I have several. I hate really strong smells. I don't care if it's your favorite perfume. Don't come near me after you just doused yourself. Must have a To Do List or not a damn thing gets done. I'm a list freak. Will read at any and all opportunities. And I read lightening fast. My husband says that buying reading material for me is just not a good investment. hee! I take pride in being a strong independent woman. I have muscles. I cuss. But seeing a bug in my house will make me want to vomit. Oh man. Hate it. See, I'm perfectly normal, but y'all are some freaks! IP: Logged |
emilyflew Squishite |
![]() One of my compulsive tendencies is that I have to eat things exactly the same on both sides of my mouth. Like, if I eat a chip and chew it on my left side, I *have to* eat another chip and chew it on my right side. If there are an uneven number of things, like if I took a handful of 7 skittles, I have to bite the last one in half so it stays even. A friend of mine says she does this to, so I know I'm not alone on this. Anyone else out there? IP: Logged |
Gadge Hardcore Squishite |
![]() When walking down the street, by myself, I have two things I do. One is trying to segment how I'm walking so that each 'section' of the pavement (whether paving stones, shadows, branches, puddles, whatever) matches the finger numbers for doing scales. This means three steps, then four, three, up to five, then backwards to one, three to one, four to one and three to one. Sidewalks never being so disorganised, I often have to fiddle with how I walk, move around to make it match, etc. I also walk down the street, close my eyes, and see how long I can keep them closed for. Since I seem to do most of my walking at night (no public transport, after all), I don't worry about bumping into people; it's mostly tree branches. CD's are alphabetised within categories; I remember seeing a friend's collection which was organised by colour and thinking how *wrong* it was. CD's are also placed back in the cover (have to keep the cover) aligned perfectly, with anything on the CD facing the right way up. Something it can be kind of hard to tell about some CD designs. In the same vein, anything circular has to be centred, starting from if I ring someone's doorbell and I have to turn it until the handle is in a perfect line up/down, to the little knob that changes my monitor settings, which often involves trying to move the control so it doesn't activate, but still moves To where I want it to go. IP: Logged |
Melissa Bob |
![]() My "thing" Ooh I have lots of them. I'm crazy like that: I peel the layers of a Little Debbie "chocolate roll" I break cookies into bite size pieces when I eat them (back from the braces days) I'm on the internet wayyy too much. I read girly magazines like its nobody's business. IP: Logged |
Ms. Brooks Forum Whore |
![]() i peel grapes with my teeth, and when i have a cherry with a stem on it, i eat the cherry, and try to tie a knot with the stem. but i can't ever do it. IP: Logged |
starlight Winner |
![]() quote: I just talked about something similar in my last journal entry. I forgot about the disk always facing correctly centered in the case, but that's a biggie too. and all facing the same way; titles and all going the same way. I hate when they do the design wrong, so that's not possible or the only way to have the title correct is to have the front cover going the wrong way. arghargh!! IP: Logged |
Mogs Squishite |
![]() Good to see there are other obsessive readers out there. Can I take a guess that the obsessive readers also spent an obscene amount of time reading stuff on the internet too? Man... I'll even read a book that I know back to front if there's nothing else there to read. I can't buy junk food at the supermarket - it just looks wrong. However on the way home I'll be craving it & pissy with myself for not getting any. I procrastinate. Badly. The right contact must come out/go on first. I can't stand milk without flavouring... it gives me the creeps. It has to have Milo or something similar. I have an unhealthy obsession with muppet songs. When cooking with bacon it must have all the fatty white bits removed. And guaranteed I'll be wrapping/making all my christmas gifts at 2am christmas morning in a panic. heh. I'm a freak. IP: Logged |
jateke Superstar |
![]() I do the walking-with-eyes-closed thing, too, Gadge. But I'm really paranoid about stumbling, or running into things, so it becomes a contest of wills between my two compulsions. I must look like I have eye problems, with all the opening and closing I do as I walk along. IP: Logged |
princess Squishite |
![]() My cd's are in a book. The cases are mostly in a box somewhere, and the newest are scattered around the house. I alphabetize them sometimes. My arrangement varies. Right now they're in the order of ones I listen to most in the front and the ones I don't listen to often at all in the back. I did the color thing once but everyone made fun of me and it wasn't worth it. I name everything. My chair. My plants. My computer. Most names are alliterative, e.g., Calvin the Calculator and Parker the Plant. My computer is the exception--his name is Rufus just because it fit. And name changes require the changing of the "my computer" icon to person who "looks like" your computer and also changing the network identity. I count. And make lists. And do that thing with dates, times, and phone numbers to make little mathematical equations. Gold and silver simply do not go together. It's the law. Pizza eaten with a group of people requires a clockwise motion. People who simply choose the piece closest to them or the biggest one or whatever will be shot. I must sit in the same place everyday, even if it's a lecture hall. If someone else is in my spot, I get confused. That's all I can think of for now... IP: Logged |
Katrin Forum Diva |
![]() quote: Our parents tried to discourage us, but my sisters and I (and our friends) had to do that with our ice cream. We even had a little chant to go along with the actions: "Mash! And! Stirr-rrr! Mash! And! Stirr-rrr!" (C'mon, everybody say it with me now.) IP: Logged |
Jamie Squishaholic |
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loraxc Insomniac |
![]() quote: Oh my god, there are others like me! I AM NOT ALONE! I feel so much better now. ...Boy, this particular quirk is NOT popular with my significant other. I'm amazed he's stayed with me this long. Um...I think it's the light-turning-on thing, especially. Actually, I am royally compulsive about Bedtime in general. Must have Quiet. Must have Tucked-in Sheets. Must Have Correct Pillow. Blinds Must be Correctly Drawn. Otherwise, tossing, turning, and whining ensue. It ain't pretty. Other than this, I actually have very few quirks. I do hate damp towels lying around, which is a source of conflict since my boyfriend says they don't dry right in our bathroom. (He's actually right. We live in a "historic" house with no vent or fan. I don't even care. I Just Hate towels everywhere, even for drying purposes.It makes me feel like I live in filth.) I also almost always have to leave a little bit of food on my plate. I do it subconsciously; I think it's a signal to myself ("You are full. Stop eating.") This habit inspires ire in obsessive plate-cleaner types (hey man, that's YOUR problem) and in the person who has to scrape my plate. IP: Logged |
loraxc Insomniac |
![]() *deleted because I posted twice like a dork* [This message has been edited by loraxc (edited December 11, 2000).] IP: Logged |
loraxc Insomniac |
![]() By the way, I can't believe all you people who switch other people's TP! Personally, I don't really care which way it goes (am I the first one to admit this?)though I think I usually put it in flap-against-the-wall, because that's how my mom did it. It really doesn't matter... but the concept that my guests may be "correcting" it sort of weirds me out. I also don't ever count anything, but maybe that's because I suck at math. However, I do make repetitive noises (dryer thumps, machine hums, etc) into little "songs" in my head... IP: Logged |
MadderRose Stalker |
![]() loraxc, it pisses Mr. Punch off when I do it, too, but we've been married for 7 years, and he knows that if he wants to sleep in the same bed with me, we will have neatly tucked-in sheets. Otherwise, I will thrash and bitch until I make myself get up and tuck. I have threatened, when he whines about it, to switch to twin beds, so that he can sleep in his laundry-hamper mess of sheets and I can have my nice tuckies. IP: Logged |
ElaineMc Squishite |
![]() I can't think of any thing-things, but I suspect it's that I'm so used to them, I no longer notice them. I did, however, put the question to the shelter this weekend, after watching *Sleeping With The Enemy". Kerri said that she has a book thing-- books must be lined up on shelves in the following order: Width height, colour. She says its an interior decorator thing. Jess said she has a kitchen thing. Everything has a specific area-- dishes, saucers, pots, pans, etc. Dishtowels must never be left on a countertop; but must be threaded through drawer handles, with the ends even. Bev says her thing is her desk. Everything has a "right" place, and if it isn't *in* that place, it just bugs her and bugs her and bugs her until she has to get up and put it back. Oh, wait! I thought of a couple of things-- I can't have my arms confined when I go to bed; all my sleepwear is either sleeveless, or has wide arm-holes. The sheet must be long enough to go over my head if necessary. And since I'm a horror movie weenie/addict, it's sometimes sadly necessary. IP: Logged |
mis Squishite |
![]() I have a thing about wet hair touching my hands or my body in the shower. In general hair makes me sick. When I wash my hair in the shower, if it gets on my hands, I gag. Instead of letting it rinse down the drain where it might get on my (gag) feet or stuck in the drain, or worse, float around and torture me for a while, I stick it on the shower wall. For some reason it makes me feel better knowing it is there and not in danger of touching me. So basically until I know someone is coming over or I feel ashamed enough to clean it, I end up with a shower wall that closely resembles Robin William's ass. .....and suddenly those alphabetical CD collections aren't sounding so bad...... IP: Logged |
Mogs Squishite |
![]() quote: cool, I'm not alone with the whole muppet songs thing. I just wish my co-workers would see it that way... IP: Logged |
Gadge Hardcore Squishite |
![]() quote: Same here - it's the battle of wills while I force myself to walk and count steps, always trying to walk that little bit further without seeing, and trying not to 'cheat' by taking baby steps... IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() I dance with my eyes closed (or at least more often than not they're closed). Like the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast, I figure that if I can't see you, then you can't see me making a fool of myself. I'm slightly smarter, at least I so hope, but the principle is the same. IP: Logged |
Ms. Brooks Forum Whore |
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Trillian Hardcore Squishite |
![]() quote: Yay HHGTTG references!! woohoo! IP: Logged |
LeeRoy Squishite |
![]() I can't fart outside on a cold day because I'm scared that you'll be able to see the vapors. I have to sleep with this stuffed animal I've had since I was two or else I'll get nightmares. It's true. I've tested it. Scary nightmares, yo. I have to wear Chuck Taylors at least once during the day or else my feet feel weird. It takes me at least 5 tries to record an answering machine greeting. I watch any show that's live video; from World's Worst Car Chases to America's Funniest Home Videos. Love that crap. I can't find Rescue 911 anymore. That used to be my favorite show back in the day. I like cream cheese way too much. I'm also lactose intolerant. Boo. Damned Fate. IP: Logged |
twinmom Hardcore Squishite |
![]() I was actually feeling VERY normal until read all the the things everyone thinks is weird, and discovered I do the same things. Where to start: I program my radio buttons in ascending order. I thought everyone did. My CDs are sorted first by category (rock, classical, soundtracks, etc) and then alphabetically. Closet doors MUST always be shut; especially before going to bed. Kitchen drawers and cabinets are not to be left open. Eating utensils are carefully sorted -- dinner forks and salad forks do not cohabitate. Toilet paper always comes over the top of the roll. I've been known to "fix" it in other people's homes. IP: Logged |
elizabethann Forum Diva |
![]() Hmm... I'm not too picky about most things, but I MUST have some lip gloss/chapstick/lipstick with me at all times. IP: Logged |
Carol Science is Tight |
![]() quote: I'm not sickened by hair strands getting on my hands or feet, but I don't like the feel of it, so I do the same thing. And yes, sometimes it takes me a little bit of time before I clean it off. So glad I'm not the only one! I was thinking I don't have too many hang-ups (though a friend recently called me neurotic because I was rearranging stuff in my amusement park fanny pack so I could zip the damned thing shut, funny what some people think is neurotic). I don't care which way TP sits on the holder (though I will replace a roll in other people's homes if I can find one in the bathroom-yes, I even go through cupboards to do this) and I don't care how the sheets and blankets are on my bed, as long as I'm covered. But. CDs must be in alphabetical order by artist, then by release date. I recently separated my Broadway cast recordings from my other CDs, and I'm immensely happier because they couldn't be arranged by artist, so they were arranged by show name. Kinda threw things off. My books (of which I have a decent amount) are grouped by subject, then arranged in order of my favorite author/series (ie, in mysteries, original Sherlock Holmes stories are first, then Holmes reference, then the Holmes pastiches, then books kinda related to Holmes, then Nero Wolfe, etc.) then grouped by author (in the cases where several authors write a series), then by release date. It sounds terribly complicated, but it's not. When I lived with the ex, all the books in the bookcase were thrown in willy-nilly and it bugged the hell out of me. When I suggested that I should organize them, he thought I wanted to separate my books from his and was very offended. I told him that I just wanted to organize by subject, but he still pouted, so I left it alone. For two and a half years I lived with unorganized books. *shudder* About a month or so after he moved out (and took his books) I got frustrated when I couldn't find a book I wanted, so I stopped what I was doing and spent the next few days organizing my books according to my system. *sigh* Life was good. Clothes in the closet are also organized in a very specific way, but at the same time I don't get all bent out of shape if a couple of pieces swap places. But they do all need to be facing to the left, all skirts must be in order of length, and everything is grouped together according to type of clothing. If it's a two piece suit (which usually consists of a blazer and pants for me), then the suits hang between the blazers and the pants. Seems logical, no? My jewelry for the day must coordinate. I'm happy I have a silver watch with gold accents, because then I can wear silver or gold without freaking out. I'm either all silver or all gold. I must match my jewelry to my clothes (today I'm wearing a red mock tutleneck and a black/red skirt, so my earrings are silver and red, and my necklace is a silver charm on a long black cord). If I mix silver and gold (or gold and copper or different pieces of any metals), I'm an unhappy camper. Man, maybe I am neurotic. [This message has been edited by Carol (edited December 12, 2000).] [This message has been edited by Carol (edited December 12, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Carol Science is Tight |
![]() quote: To me, this isn't a "thing", it's just good sense. Maybe it's because I have four cats, so I'm always trying to make sure they don't get stuck anywhere (I have baby latches on all floor level cabinets so they don't open them. But even before I got the cats I hated for any cabinet door that swung outward or any drawer to be left open. Mainly because people (like me, for instance) could get hurt smacking into those things. I was less anal about sliding closet doors. That is, until I got cats and they started using my clothes for ladders, then walked on top of the hangers with their claws grabbing hold of my clothes to keep from sliding off. And my radio buttons? Programmed in order of preference initially, then just added on when I find a new station that's interesting. IP: Logged |
Soshal Forum Whore |
![]() quote: (o/t) Good idea, dude. My old office had a large glass front, and one day in the winter, our cutie delivery boy left my office just before five, as it was darkining outside. He let one rip as he was walking to his truck and I happened to be looking at his butt. (honest coincidence, really!) Little *whoosh* of steam came outta his ass. I fell off my chair laughing. IP: Logged |
dwinslow Forum Whore |
![]() quote: Thank you, really, for everyone who has posted a response to this thread. I was having a weird day and feeling odd and abnormal, until I read your "weird things." Now I'm going home, feeling "normal." LOL Something HAD to make me laugh today, otherwise I was in trouble... saved again by Squishy. IP: Logged |
nuh_uh! Squishite |
![]() I didn't really think I had a lot of weirdness until I actually sat and thought about it... -I MUST have lipgloss with me at all times...usually in multiple places: one in my pocket, two in my purse, 30 in my car. The funny thing is that I usually forget I have them when I need them. -I can't breathe hot air, especially from the car heater. It makes me feel like I'm suffocating, so the vent is carfully placed pointing to the floor, or I will blast the heater on "defrost." -Bedroom celing must be checked before bedtime for spiders and other nasty bugs. -If aforementioned bug *does* exist and it is flushed (although I hate doing it), I must use the other bathroom until I forget that I flushed it. I'm a freak. -erin II IP: Logged |
grandefille Squishite |
![]() I pulled off the interstate once to reorganize my CDs because I realized they were out of alphabetical order. What? Stop looking at me. IP: Logged |
Rachael Forum Whore |
![]() I share a lot of the quirks listed in the previous posts, but here are a few others that I didn't see mentioned by anyone else. When making a sandwich, the bread must go back together the same way it came apart. If one piece of the bread flips over during the making of the sandwich, it will not match up properly when the time comes to put them back together. Also, I don't like to eat the first 2 or 3 pieces of bread in the loaf. I reach to the back for the "good stuff". In my apartment, the light switches must be up when the light is on and down when the light is off. I have two lights that each have two switches. If I turn the light on with one switch, I have to turn it off with that same switch, so that the switch is then down when the light is off. If I use the other switch to turn it off, they'll both be up, but the light will be off and that's just wrong. When pumping gas, the amount of gas pumped must end in some denomination of 25 cents (25, 50, 75, or 00). I prefer it to end at an even dollar amount, but will settle for a quarter more or less. I must have background noise. If I'm in the car, the radio must be on. Even if I'm primarily talking to someone in the car, the radio still has to be on quietly. Same thing in my house, even if I'm doing something else like cooking or playing on the computer, or talking to someone on the phone, the tv must be on. I don't like to step on cracks when I'm walking down the sidewalk. I'll adjust my walking so that I won't step on one. My mom's back is *safe*! I drink Coke out of cans a lot. At work, the can must have a straw when I'm drinking it (because we have straws at work). If I get back to my desk from the drink machine and I forgot to grab a straw, I have to go back to the kitchen to grab one or I can't drink the Coke. I buy Coke in the cans at home too, but I don't buy straws. I don't find anything wrong with not using a straw at home, but if I'm at work, the can must have a straw. Weird! IP: Logged |
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