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Author | Topic: what's your... "thing?" |
Schmennifer Squishite |
![]() I don't know if this counts, but I hate feet. I hate my feet. I hate other people's feet. I can't look at them, can't be near them, can't have them touch me in any way, especially not when bare. The toes, in particular, really creep me out; and I resent people who wear flip-flops. (Sorry. It's my "thing." I can't help it.) Also, I'm always prepared for disasters. Wherever I am, rest assured that I have already scanned the room for safe places to hide in the event of an earthquake. IP: Logged |
ducky Insomniac |
![]() quote: Yes it makes perfect sense. I was just kidding with ya really ![]() IP: Logged |
Mogs Squishite |
![]() heh. That post about seeing numbers as male or females reminded me about the fact that I see numbers as certain colours. This can be attributed to the fact that back in kindergarten they used coloured peices of wood to represent certain numbers, which was supposed to make it easier to learn. Most people I've talked to have forgotten all about it till I remind them, but no.. not me. I'm stuck here hating number 8 because it's gunna be brown forever. IP: Logged |
Jessifer Bob |
![]() i forgot a couple. i don't like milk in my cereal. i eat it dry. i just don't like my cereal being wet. and i won't ever eat cottage cheese, oatmeal or tapioca pudding because of the texture. just looking at it makes me wanna gag. i think that's it. IP: Logged |
Kelly Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Jessifer - I am the same way about cereal. When I was little I thought it was crazy that people would pour their beverages directly into their food, and I guess nothing ever happened to change my mind. I am much more tolerant of other people pouring milk into their own cereal than I was when I was 4 ![]() IP: Logged |
soupy_twist Science is Tight |
![]() quote: My dad does that too - he always wears sandals, even when it's snowing. I have quite a few 'things'. I'm yet another obsessive reader - I read juice cartons, cereal packets, the 'Terms and Conditions' on the back of train tickets - everything, really. I can't spell anything unless I write it down. But in my writing I'm incredibly anal about typos - if I possibly have the time, then I'll go back and correct, especially gramatical errors. When I (or other people) talk, I find my little finger twitches to the 'beat' of the syllables. I count things. Well, everything. And I was very pleased when I moved house and found that it was the same number of steps from the bottom of the cellar steps to the fridge (which is the far end of the cellar) as there are cellar steps. And it's 25 steps, too - lovely and neat. I don't really have a TP preference, though it's usually facing back in my house because there's a cat. I carry a big thick notebook everywhere with me that I write down lyrics I love in. If I hear some great lyrics, then I feel out of sync unless I write them down. I'm already part way through my fourth notepad! When I was younger, when I had coloured sweets I'd sort them out into piles by colour and then eat enough from each pile to make all the piles the same size. Then I'd go round eating one from each pile until i'd finished. That one seems to have gone now, though. All my books and CD's are put together by author/artist but then the different authors/artists are sorted by whatever system I've devised that week. Oh, except for the pile of books that I haven't yet read are always on the really uncomfortable chair in my room, and always in order of preference, with the one I most want to read on the top. I can't think of any others right now, but I probably will as soon as I go offline. Edited to add: Remembered one! I hate cereal with milk. It just seems *wrong* to me for some reason. All mushy and ick. [This message has been edited by soupy_twist (edited April 11, 2001).] IP: Logged |
rhazzbaby Stalker |
![]() quote: Yep, me too. The only difference here is that I rather like my own feet, but not so much that I'd wear flip-flops outside of a beach or pool area. I've seen some horrible, horrible feet, more often than not on guys I'm interested in. (The cuter the face, the uglier the feet?) IP: Logged |
Beanz Insomniac |
![]() quote: I do this, but I think it's due to 7 years of waitressing...I must stack plates, gather utensils, fold trash. It's not just to be nice to the wait staff; it's partly just habit. IP: Logged |
soupy_twist Science is Tight |
![]() I thought I might find some more. ![]() I sleep on my right side, unless that means I have my back to the door. Then i have to turn over so i'm facing the door. I'm not exactly sure where that comes from, i just hate knowing that the door's behind me. I'm another 'don't-mix-metals' person - my sister sometimes goes out with a silver ring and gold earrings, and it just seems wrong to me. luckily I hardly ever wear gold so my watch is fine mostly. edited: gah, typos [This message has been edited by soupy_twist (edited April 14, 2001).] IP: Logged |
SpaceGal Unemployed |
![]() When I used to play tennis in high school, during the change overs I always had to take a sip of Gatorade and water, respectively. I also always sleep on the left side of my bed. I have to have the blankets tucked under me so I feel more secure (y'know, if a burglar comes in and tries to get to me I'll feel him tugging on the blanket). IP: Logged |
Mosquito Forum Diva |
![]() I will not sleep with my feet exposed. They can't hang over the end of the bed, and they have to have blankets over them. But not just over them, the blankets have to be tucked under the feet, too. That way monsters can't get to them. IP: Logged |
'sha Forum Diva |
![]() I HAVE to take the shortest, most efficient route everywhere. I HATE backtracking. It even bugs me when other people do it. I seriously have to bite my tongue to keep from bitching at my friends. So, New Orleans is a bad town for me because it's full of one way streets and nothing is at right angles, so sometimes the best route just doesn't exist. This is all my father's fault. When I was little I slept in a sleeping bag for three years because I thought smething was going to come up from the foot of the bed and bite me or something. Why I thought that the sleeping bag would be adequate protection, I don't know... I hate hate HATE people who don't recycle. Especially when there are recycling bins RIGHT next to the trash can and they still throw their can or bottle away. Grr! [This message has been edited by 'sha (edited April 20, 2001).] IP: Logged |
radiostar Hardcore Squishite |
![]() Hmmm.... I hate feet! Not to the point where I can't look at them, but having them close to me...especially when they're bare. *shudder* All my money has to be kept facing the same way, with the heads all up and together. Also it has be be in order with the smallest bills on the front. I trace things in my head. If I'm talking to someone, I'll trace the shape of their glasses, or the words on their shirt. I don't know why I do this. Edited to add I can't get into bed with the lights out. I have to have a bedside lamp close enough that I can reach it. So I turn that on, turn the light off, get into bed, and then turn the lamp off. I also can't go to sleep unless I read first. [This message has been edited by radiostar (edited April 21, 2001).] IP: Logged |
Ian the Terrible Squishite |
![]() I have preferences in various matters, but the only *thing* that comes to mind is this: Don't lean on my chair when I'm at my computer. Somebody (even my wife) leans on my chair and bobbles it, it bothers me. My old boss used to do this, and it made me nuts. Oddly, it doesn't bother me when my cat jumps on the back of the chair. Oh - toilet paper should go over the top, but I'm won't freak out if it isn't. Certainly not to the point of changing it in someone else's house. My radio presets tend towards lowest to highest, but there's a simple reason: I only need to reset them when my battery goes dead, and when that happens, I use the scan button until the stations I want come up. If, for some weird reason, my radio scanned backward, they'd be the other way around. IP: Logged |
Spiralina Forum Whore |
![]() Toilet paper: must hang along the wall. That way you can use the resistance from the roll to tear off a piece! Same with paper towels. I also just recently realized something I must have been doing since I was a kid: when I'm a passenger in a car, I clench my toes to mark when we pass road signs or trees or bushes -- anything that re-occurs on a fairly regular basis. I look out the window and right as the object passes my field of view, I clench. Right toes for right side of car, left toes for left. IP: Logged |
Willow431 Hardcore Squishite |
![]() I hate when the front of your cuffs end up under the tongue of your sneakers/shoes. I walk around shaking my legs like some kind of freak to fix this... IP: Logged |
ExisTenz Squishite |
![]() quote:
I have to drive barefoot. Otherwise i can't feel the pedals. I wash my hands somewhat obsessively. I can't have a meal unless many conditions are met - I have to pee, wash my hands, get all the condiments ready, etc. before i can take a bite. I like food a lot, so everything has to be perfect so I can fully enjoy it. I'm weird. IP: Logged |
vinne Insomniac |
![]() I have noticed that, since I've had to take exams on those ScanTron papers, every time I reach question #34, I think of a bra. I wear a size 34, and if the answer is C, then I feel a sort of strange satisfaction. If the answer is anything other than C, I feel all weird. For example, if the answer is A, I'll picture myself with an A cup bust; likewise if the answer is D. And that makes me feel not like myself. IP: Logged |
Heathyrre Practically Pamie |
![]() I have many things. One. All the bills in my wallet must go from smallest to largest, with the heads facing up and in the front. If they are not facing the right way or are out of order, I feel odd. Two. I must write all checks with black ink, and it must be a ballpoint pen. I have been known to charge things if the ballpoint pen is unavalible. Three. All my cds are Alphabetical order, by last name of artist, and then subcategorized by date of release, starting with the earliest. Soundtracks are in a separate section, also organized alphabetically. Four. All books are alphabetical by last name, then subcategorized by date of publication. Five. I can't leave for the day if my bed is not made. Or there are clothes on the floor. Six. I must always use directionals. Even if I am the only person on the road. Seven. When listening to the radio, I cannot listen to commercials. I must station surf. And it must be at a lightening speed that drives everyone else batty. Eight. When driving, regardless of weather, I must have the window open. Even if it is just a crack. Word on the feet over the bed/monsters thing. And WORD on the TP thing. Eleven. Everything must be spelled correctly. Twelve. The shower curtain must remain closed. At all times. Especially when wet. Thirteen. Lots of light, natural preferred. Fourteen. All things must be even numbered. That is all for now. [This message has been edited by Heathyrre (edited May 24, 2001).] IP: Logged |
*Gemini* Superstar |
![]() When I go to Starbucks and get a coffee, the insulated sleeve's logo must line up with the logo on the cup itself, and the little slit you drink out of must be exactly in the middle parallel to those. If someone was to slap me or pinch me on one arm(or leg or any other body part) I make them hit me in the same spot on my other arm, because if they don't it feels uneven. Usually it amuses people to watch me writhe in agony at the unevenness of it all, so I end up having to hit myself. Yup, I need help. Always always always use directionals. My day doesn't go right if Howard Stern isn't on on my way to work. And it has to be live, not an old episode if they are on vacation, or my day just doesn't feel right. I categorize my cd's as well. No matter how much effort it takes to rearrange them when I buy new ones. When I am using a fork, after I take a bite, I wiggle it. This is a must. Only a choice few have been lucky enough to notice that one. I cannot eat without a drink. If I can't get a drink, I don't want to eat. Also, I have to read when I eat. Doesn't matter what it is, even if it is the side of a box(though I would prefer a magazine) (edited because I forgot just how strange I really am) [This message has been edited by *Gemini* (edited May 24, 2001).] IP: Logged |
Heathyrre Practically Pamie |
![]() one more thing i have. i must read something while i eat. not picky as to what it is. must read something. even if it just an ingredients label. must... read.. until... i... am... done... eating. IP: Logged |
Staryiz105 Forum Whore |
![]() quote: All. The. Time. IP: Logged |
kmdb Squishite |
![]() When flipping channels or radio stations I have to go from lower numbers to higher. Have to. Will not go from 10 to 9 to 8. It bugs me if other people do it too. IP: Logged |
hyddin Insomniac |
![]() I have a compulsive Message checking habit. I must always always always check my voice mail at home, my voice mail on my cell and my email. This takes up a good part of my day. Imagine how productive i'd be if I could just let it go for 10 minutes! IP: Logged |
Fannio Squishite |
![]() I don't have a filing system, and I refuse to file school papers into those little categories the teachers like us to put them in. What I will do, though, is put them into categorized piles - this pile is for math, this pile is for science, etc - then put them into one big folder. Approximations are better than exactlys for me. IP: Logged |
radiostar Hardcore Squishite |
![]() quote: Oh, yeah, me too. Because there might be a song on another station that you like better. IP: Logged |
RenaissanceGirl Squishite |
![]() i can only eat burgers that are from In N Out and speaking of food, when i eat french fries, i have to have at least 3 pieces. i organized the 3 fries into parallel rows with the top part all aligned. i will dip the fries in ketchup, but only after sprinkling it with loads of pepper (enough to coat the entire surface). and when i eat: i bit into the burger, eat the three fries, then take a sip of diet coke. Repeat steps above until meal has been consumed. I drink diet because regular is too sweet, NOT because i'm on a "diet". plus, the printed side of my flat sheet has to be facing down, so the prints are facing towards me while i sleep. i use two pillows, and one soba-kowa pillow (the slightly heavy kind with the buck wheat hulls in it) which i place on my tummy. head has to be directly in front of the window and the window opened just a crack. must be pitch dark. IP: Logged |
Trixie Stalker |
![]() I have a thing for right angles. The pictures on my walls absolutely have to hang straight. I once had a bookcase which was slightly crooked and it drove me crazy for over a year. Finally I had do take down all the books, tear it apart and put it back together again so I could wake up in the morning without instantly getting annoyed. IP: Logged |
calico kitty Squishite |
![]() My shampoo and conditioner have to match. I can use any number of brands, but the two have to match. Preferably the same "flavor" within the brand too. As previously mentioned, all my money has to be faced. I have early cashiering days to thank for that. Water or milk must be ice cold. Red licorice must be slightly stale. Car doors must be locked before commencing to drive. IP: Logged |
WikerGirl Rockstar |
![]() quote: Word. IP: Logged |
MoonlightAndBlood Squishite |
![]() 1.)Hey If the TP is hanging from the back of the roll;I don't care WHERE I am,I take it off the roll and turn It around.It bothers me THAT much.2.)Also I don't like to keep my toothbrushes near everyone else's.I dunno why;Im not afraid of disease.Its just a thing.I have to keep it in one of those toothbrush case thingys(you know,the ones you can close).3.)I will NOT wash my clothes with everyone elses laundry(cept my boy/f's).I will wait until I have enough dirty clothes and wash my own laundry by itself.This may have to do with my lil sis always taking my clothes without asking though.4.)I HATE when people listen to my cd's and don't put them back in the right cd case.That is just ANNoying.***The list goes on and on.Yeah and I do that In a car too.I have to check every preset station even if I know there's already a song I like,just in case theres a better one by chance.there never is though.But oh well. IP: Logged |
sassi27 Forum Whore |
![]() quote: OMG, I used to be the same exact way. I used to come in to eat breakfast with like 2 magazines every morning. I could have read the mags a million times before. And if I didn't have any mags around, I'd scrounge for a paper, flyers, food labels, anything. I couldn't just sit there and eat. Weird. Even weirder is that I just one day stopped. And now I don't have that need anymore. Uh. IP: Logged |
dragonfly Forum Whore |
![]() That is me too! I will ready ANYTHING while I am eating. I just don't like eating without reading. My laptop and keyboard show it too! IP: Logged |
*Gemini* Superstar |
![]() When I am the passenger in someone else's car, everytime they need to look both ways and pull out, or switch lanes, etc., I always look too, even though I don't have too. It's just a reflex. Don't know where the hell it came from or why I do it. IP: Logged |
hyddin Insomniac |
![]() I can't sleep unless there is some kind of noise going on.. It can be the radio, or a clock ticking, or the air conditioner humming loudly, but if there is silence, I can't function. I need noise! IP: Logged |
waterville Superstar |
![]() quote: Same, same, same, same! The water pitcher must be refilled after every use. I would rather add ice to water that isn't cold enough than wait for it to drip through the Brita filter. TP: It's *gotta* roll forward, away from the wall! Books must be read before seeing the movie version, or I will never read the book. The bathroom mirror and kitchen cabinet doors must be closed immediately after use. No one in the house (other than me) can ever leave the refrigerator or freezer door open while pouring a drinking, getting ice cubes, etc. IP: Logged |
waterville Superstar |
![]() quote: I have a friend who has to do this no matter what the contact is: if someone accidentally touches him, if he bumps into the doorway, etc. IP: Logged |
GingerJ Squishite |
![]() I can't eat foods in crunchy/ soft combination. (i.e. tuna sald with celery) I must set up a "nose block" everynight in order to sleep. The blanket has to lay over my nose and mouth to keep my nose from getting stuffy. I can't wear brown and black together. I can't wear tan pantyhose. Pantyhose must always be worn with underwear. My bra and panties must match at all times. Red bra, red panties. Yellow bra, yellow panties. I actually later, rinse, repeat. I also have to have a beverage with me at all times as well as an extra pack of cigarettes. You never know what could happen. IP: Logged |
Shamrock Squishite |
![]() This is cracking me up! Like a lot of you guys, I have a lot of little neuroses I never regarded as such. MUST have reading material at all times. Sometimes I grab magazines out of the recycling bin when I take my recycling in. If I bought as many magazines as I actually need to feed my habit, I'd be perpetually broke. I've also read labels, warnings, disclaimers, and stuff like that when trapped in someone else's bathroom with nothing else to read. I can't stand hearing other people in the bathroom, or having them hear me. I'll wait for a public restroom to clear out before going. At home, the fan or water has to be on. If someone else is in there, I turn music on or something. I have no opinion about the TP issue. Honest. I won't patronize businesses that use cutesy mispellings in their names. I mentally edit everything I see. I won't eat slimy foods. I loathe condiments. Ordering anything at a restaurant is a major production. I do the math thing with the digits on my clock, too. I can't just talk on the phone. At work, I usually play Minesweeper while talkign on the phone. I hate, hate, hate shoes. I'd spend my whole life barefoot if I could. Socks on when sleeping? Definitely bad juju. I have different sports bras for different activities (running, climbing, gym, biking, etc.), and I feel a little "off" if I wear the wrong one. Lipstick must go with me everywhere. Same with sunglasses. I hate talk radio in the car. It makes me feel claustrophobic. I can't just watch TV. I need to be reading or writing or doing something. Sometimes I sew or draw or do calligraphy. I don't have a TV myself, and I really don't have the attention span to watch it and not go a little crazy. I keep a book of crosswords in my bag to keep myself from going nuts. Exception: I can watch sports on TV. I LOVE to pop bubble wrap. I also like to peel things, like tape on counters or flaking paint. My house is messy, but my gear room (where I keep all my outdoor toys) is always in order. I hate it when strangers call me pet names. I am not "hon!" And if you call me that, it will probably affect your tip. Yeah, I guess I am a little neurotic. WOw. IP: Logged |
rocky Squishite |
![]() Spiralina probably doesn't even remember posting on this thread back in April, but I, too, do the toe clenching thing in the car - have done it since I was a tot, and still do it. I cannot believe someone else does this (0r that I am admitting I do it). I can't fall asleep unless I cross my big toe over the next toe. (yes, I have a lot of toe issues) TP - over the back along the wall. Anyone with small children or cats knows this. Please don't change it on us! Misspellings on public signs send me over the edge. I separate colored candies into piles according to color, and then eat them in rotation so as to never eat two of the same color in a row. IP: Logged |
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