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Author | Topic: what's your... "thing?" |
Soshal Forum Whore |
![]() quote: Nup, I read those too. And the inserts in condom boxes. Whatever is handy is fair game for reading material. I MUST READ at ALL times. I have a book in the car, too. I'll stop at a stoplight, and grab a quick paragraph or two. My specialty is walking and reading. I go from the smoke room, to the lunch room, back to my office every day with a paperback in hand, never looking up, yet I've never stumbled or crashed into anything. My co-workers now try to 'block' me to see if I'll walk into them. IP: Logged |
Kat Insomniac |
![]() Soshal, I have read a shampoo bottle when in a pinch for reading material! MUST have reading material to go to the bathroom. I mentally type sometimes if I'm listening to someone who's a bore or a slow talker. IP: Logged |
Ludicrous Lurker Forum Whore |
![]() I have this thing where I'll see numbers on a digital clock and make some kind of math problem out of it. Like if it's 12:34 I'll think "hmmm...12 divided by 3 equal 4." The sad thing is that I'm very anti-math. *registers the time on the clock* IP: Logged |
Andi Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: You are actually normal there, sugarfish. It's a pretty commonly accepted fact in retail merchandising that people do not by the item that is on top, or in front. Although, most people will break down if there is only one... IP: Logged |
aellis Insomniac |
![]() quote: Lorelei_Lee, I'm impressed with your abilities so far so here goes: My truck is a black 2001 Ford Explorer SportTrac that you can see pictures of here. My interests are bicycling, computers, baby harp seals and Hummel figurines....(um... just kidding about the last two) By the way, I'm starting to think of this as a talent, not a "thing". I thinking you should take this over to the "What's your superpower?" thread. [This message has been edited by aellis (edited December 07, 2000).] [This message has been edited by aellis (edited June 14, 2001).] IP: Logged |
brie Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: wrong! i too know more than you could ever need to know about tss and tampon directions. i've read them a million times, too! i've also read the lysol can to practical memorization too!! IP: Logged |
Kalypso21 Forum Whore |
![]() I have more "things" than anyone I know. My radio presets are set so that the preset number coincides with one of the numbers in the station. Example: 93.1 is preset 1 (it can't be preset 3 because that's 99.3). I do this both on my stereo and in the car. I set my alarm to a palindromic number, like 8:08 am. And like LudicrousLurker, I make math problems out of what time it is. 5:15 - 5 times 1 is 5, 9:36 - 9 minus 3 is 6, etc. Freakish, really. I can't fall asleep unless I have two pillows, it's pitch black in the room, and my head is under the first pillow. And I have tried a sleep mask, to no avail. Clearly, all doors (closet, etc) must be closed. I also only wear silver jewelry, and NEVER mix metals. It took me a good long time to find a watch with a black leather wristband that didn't have gold accents. I cannot drink anything at room temperature. Water, milk (only 1%), alcohol, etc -- it all has to be ice-cold. My closet is organized by color and all the hangers (all white plastic, by the way) must face the same way, open hooks facing in. I try not to repeat an outfit combination per semester (the sad thing is, I have enough clothes to actually do that). My socks and/or underwear have to match my outfit in some color. My underwear drawers (yes, plural) are also organized by color. My shoes at school are on a shoe rack but my shoes at home are still in the original boxes, not a single one of which is not Nine West. My CDs/tapes/videos/books/magazines are ALL in alphabetical order (and I have a separate CD case for classical music, which is also alphabetical). The magazines are not only alphabetically ordered but also chronologically. When I buy a book or magazine, I always reach for one near the back or at the bottom of the stack. I hate even numbers so every time I count something it has to be an odd number. When I go to the movies, I count the rows and I have to sit in an odd-numbered seat in an odd-numbered row. I pay my credit card bills strangely too. Say the balance is $420.65, I'll pay like $120.65 so that the resulting balance ends in $.00. I also do that when leaving tips, always leave it so the bill rounds out to $.00. So where do I sign up for therapy? [This message has been edited by Kalypso21 (edited December 07, 2000).] IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Lorelei_Lee, You might have to start charging for this. Can you name my car? I've been DYING trying to think of a name... and just can't come up with anything... Here's a description. it's a forest green Isuzu Rodeo, 1997. It has a black tire on back, black runner boards, sunroof. It is used mainly as a go to work-come home car, but it has many Southern-Utah moab off-roading trips in its future. I also drive it to belly-dancing once a week. My cars always are a good-feeling place. About me... I'm an artist, belly dancer, adventurer type of chick. My hubby plays soccer.... I don't know... any good names come to mind??? And we work in the stock market if that helps... IP: Logged |
Fluid_Darkness Superstar |
![]() quote: No kidding! Some of the people here sound, frankly, impossible to live with. :o) I came back to add that I always start with the left contact lens once I get out of the shower to start my day off.
IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: The fine line between having a "thing" and OCD / too-strict boundaries is whether or not you can stand to have your quirks disregarded. I won't go all Joan Crawford and whomp you with a hanger if you put it in my closet prong/open side out, but it will be noticed and internally registered as obnoxious before I move on. Likewise, I am CAPABLE of eating Little Debbie Swiss Rolls without making a science class dissection project out of them, but it isn't as much fun. My roommate has quirks that include never being able to put a dirty dish in the dishwasher. Instead she puts it on top of the counter directly above the dishwasher. She has excessively high boundaries set whereit comes to her dishes. We basically use mine. She has some cheap Taregt dishware that she bought and woe is to you if you use one of her plates or cups. She relaxed her compulsion about the glassware when I pointed out that the only discernable difference in our glassware would be that mine have a faint swirl pattern and hers do not. So she can use my dishware and silverware, but if her stuff gets put into my cabinets or drawers (this happened when we had a third roommate who was trying to be responsible and put away the dishes and was unawareof her 'thing') or if a cup is out that she didn't drink out of and it is her dishware, she gets agitated and upset. There was a knock-down, drag-out, screaming, teary, nearly bloody battle royale over one of our prior roommates using one of her bowls to put water in for his cat. That's when it goes beyond being a quirk or "thing" into being a potential Issue with a capital I. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: I have a touch of middle ear deafness, so sometimes it's not just me having a reading compulsion, it's me not being able to understand things that aren't enunciated crisply or which are sort of set in the middle range, tone-wise. It turns into aural mud, like I just attended a heavy metal concert without earplugs. Closed captioning is not only a way to satisfy my compulsion to read at all times, but I also grasp more of the dialogue rather than having to piece it together from other characters' responses. And on shows like The Simpsons, what the closed captioning says and what the cartoon characters say is FREQUENTLY non-identical. Not enough that you miss anything if you have mute on or closed captioning off, but enough that it feels like a special treat when there's two different punchlines instead of just one. IP: Logged |
Jamie Squishaholic |
![]() quote: Definitely ... I was just starting to find it odd how people were saying things *MUST* be a certain way and they *WON'T* have it any other way. Yeah I have all my hangers facing open-side-in, too ... I think we all have our little habits, our little "things" ... guess I just can't fathom not being able to sleep because something wasn't alphabetized or colour-coordinated. But then I'm a disorganized clutter-fiend. I like the closed-captioning on sometimes too ... enunciation, TV actors! IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: I'm not thrilled with this one, but here goes: "Joe Morocco". For the travel bug & belly-dancing and because it is an Isuzu. IP: Logged |
stephanie_plum Forum Diva |
![]() While in a conversation or watching TV, I will "take air shorthand" using my index finger. It's sorta like air-guitar, but for really old women who know shorthand. So if you are talking to me and see the finger on my right hand twitching, know that I am recording the conversation and I may use it against you at a later date and time. Radio Buttons - low to high Closet hangers - opening facing the back of the closet. If I forget my earrings, I am screwed for the day. It will bother me to no end. Something is wrong, something is missing. Although I have really forgotten my earrings, I will keep checking to see if my pants are unzipped. IP: Logged |
tarepanda Stalker |
![]() Some of you would go nuts living with me, I am a total slob when it comes to dishes, simply coz it's HIS job...but I break down eventually and do them myself. I have 3 cats and no one has figured out the TP thing...yet... I cannot use the toilet with someone in the room or talking to me, no #2 in public restrooms unless it is a life or death situation. Dr. Pepper must be served with ice in an insulated container that will not sweat (styrofoam cup from Chick Fil A or my Mug that has been my constant companion for years. Years.) And you CANNOT pour the DP over the ice so it loses its fizz, it must be poured on the side of said cup/glass avoiding the ice carefully or else. No stale DP, DP over an hour old in the mug, and for damn sure no DP that's warm or even tepid. I didn't even know that people could preset their radio stations out of order...that is WRONG. Mask, a running fan (even if it's not on me, just for "white noise"), lights out, blinds and drapes closed to sleep. Or else. Nightly ritual: bath, sleeping clothes, vitamins, hand lotion, mask, crash. Every night. In that order. The alarm clock is set the morning before so I don't forget. I repeat words in my head, or write themout with my fingertip. Sometimes the whole sentence, sometimes just the last content words. Also, I must write a word in order to spell it. I'm sure there are more, lemme ask my hubby :P IP: Logged |
Heather Binuya Superstar |
![]() I thought of another "thing". At work or restaurants or anyplace where there is a big bathroom with stalls, I will, if at all possible, use the same stall every time. I don't know why; good stall karma, I guess. If I have a good experience (no comments, please) in it once, I figure the next time will be just as good. IP: Logged |
Anna Beth Science is Tight |
![]() quote: I do that too, but it's more of a superstitious thing. For example, if I'm at a ballgame, and I go to the bathroom in Stall #2, and my team starts to win, I will make sure I keep using that stall on future visits. But if they're losing, I'll go into a different one to 'fix' the karma. Gawd, that sounds so weird. Oddly enough, I read an article recently stating that most people will "pick" a certain stall and stick with it, no matter what public restroom they're using. I wish I remember where that was. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote: Your car tells me its name is "Baloo". Whether its first name is "Hella / Hulla" or "Cat" (or whether it even has one) is undetermined. It seems rather big and friendly. IP: Logged |
DeniseElyzabeth Rockstar |
![]() My dad's car is 1986 toyota and it has no brakes or transmission and eats a ton of gas. It's like the color sky blue maybe little darker....got a name...? IP: Logged |
Allison Sleeping with the Princess |
![]() I feel strongly that L_L should start a thread in Blab, naming people's cars based on their descriptions. It would be a real service. My thing? I can't have the radio on in the car if someone else in the car is trying to talk to me. No talking over the music. Cannot do it. I know it drives people crazy to ride with me and observe me turning the radio up and down, but I either have to listen to the music, or listen to you. I can't do both. IP: Logged |
DoctorGirl Squishite |
![]() Oh wow! A neurosis convention! My "things".. 1. ABSOLUTELY the tp hangs from the front...it's just weird and inconvenient to hang it from the back, and it pisses me off. Once I did the Hotel Triangle Fold, but that was just embarassing and silly...i felt like I needed ashtrays with sand to stamp or mints on the pillow (which would RULE, by the way...) 2. Must. Count. Letters. This started many many years ago when I was a little freak kid, and it persists to this day. I made the mistake of telling a friend in college, who thought is was just the cat's balls and would call me at all hours and say..."Ok, encyclopedia! Mistaken!" or whatever word he thought of, to wait for my speedy dorky reply of how many letters are in it. 3. I don't name cars, but I DO examine license plates when I'm driving, and try to make words out the random letters and numbers...I can always make some chemical formulas, but that's really not as satisfying as making a word, it's like freakin' Boggle...I love it! 4. I organize my pens by type....on my desk, one cup holds the "clicky" pens, one holds the ballpoints with a regular cap, one holds my nice non-crap pens, and one lonely cup for 2 (and only 2) pencils, which I hate but always seem to need for something. 5. Evidently, from the looks of this post, another "thing" is gratuitous use of ellipses (...) sorry about that. 6. Ooh! Almost forgot...(doh!) Besides counting numbers in words and syllables, I just count all kinds of other crap, how many steps from my door to my car, etc. IP: Logged |
Kelly Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() I have so many "things" it's not funny. Here are the major ones that come to mind: 1) I am also a counter. I count everything. One thing that drove my parents nuts is that when I was a kid, I would count the number of squares on the kitchen tile, and move the table so it lined up just right. 2) I am also a compulsive reader, and have trouble digesting food properly if I don't have something to read. Once, when I was about 7, my mom was fed up with me reading at the table, and threw my book across the room. I calmly walked over and picked it up. She spazzed out and said that I could either read my book or eat dinner - not both. Well, there's really nothing to think about there. I marched right upstairs to read my book in peace. 3) I'm not sure if this is a "thing", but I absolutely cannot stand channel changers. TV or radio. I pick a station, and that's where the dial stays. Period. The same principle applies to lane changing while driving. Of course, there are times when you have to change lanes to get off at a certain exit, or to go around someone going 20 mph below the speed limit. But for god's sake, find a lane and stay in it unless you absolutely have to switch. Please. 4) TP goes over the top. I will switch it if yours is backwards. IP: Logged |
Jamie Squishaholic |
![]() 1. Socks first, then shoes. I feel weird all day if this is out of order. 2. When I'm reading Romance or Germanic language text, it must be left-to-right. 3. I *always* wake up *before* I get out of bed. No exceptions. 4. I have to unbuckle my seatbelt before exiting my car. 5. Dirty clothes go on the floor in the *same* corner of the room until I get around to doing laundry. I'm sure there are more... [This message has been edited by Jamie (edited December 07, 2000).] IP: Logged |
MeghanM Superstar |
![]() Okay, I guess that I should join the ranks of the compulsive readers. I moved cross country about a month ago, bringing only what I could get in my car. Know what I ended up with? The computer, some clothes, blankets, and a bunch of books. I pilfer other people's reading material from the breakroom at work and read it while I'm listening to long winded callers. I'm hoping to buy two long anthologies soon, so that I can keep one in the kitchen for when I'm cooking, and one in the bathroom. ((I actually have read in the shower - The spray doesn't reach this one corner, and if I hold the book there . . . I used to hide books under the table when I ate because I wasn't allowed to eat and read at the same time. ((At school or at home.)) I write compulsively, too. If I'm thinking really hard, or listening to someone who's talking very slowly, I'll start moving the index finger of my left hand to write out what they're saying or what I'm thinking. If nothing else, I have a great memory . . . IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: Oh, you are not alone... I keep meaning to apologize for the same thing. I do it so often, it even bugs me. I bet the "grammer queens" hate me... IP: Logged |
jateke Superstar |
![]() *Toilet paper goes over the top. Even Miss Manners says so. *The open ends of hangers must face the back of the closet. All clothes hung on the hangers must be face the left. This includes skirts and pants which are folded and hung over the bar--the waistband must be on the left. *My inner monologue is obsessed with the number of letters in a word or phrase being even, never odd. This may mean repeating the letter in the middle, like "s-q-u-i--i-s-h-y", or it may mean deleting double letters, like "d-a--d-y." Multiples of four are best, and that's where I get into mentally pronouncing "w" with three syllables and finding punctuation with the remaining number of syllables. If I add a period, three extra syllables, to "Pamie," then I get "p-a-m-i--e-per-i-od." Eight. Perfect. *When choosing a soda from a store refrigerator, I will find the "right" one. This started with the "one-in-ten-caps-wins" contests--I had to search around for one that felt lucky--but now I do it with all of them. I'll only take the front one if that's the one with the vibe. *Old tape gets peeled off and folded into a neat triangle. If I've started with one of these and there's a new roll of tape lying around, best get it away from me, or it'll become a contribution to my "old tape triangle." *Similarly, scrap paper will be folded in half and torn down the center. I'll put one half aside, fold the other half, and repeat until the paper is too tiny to manipulate anymore. Sometimes this process is repeated with every piece of paper that has a recognizable ink mark on it. *DO NOT TUCK IN MY SHEETS. You'll only make things difficult for yourself--especially if you're sleeping in the bed with me. *I have to sleep under a comforter. Sheets are gross. *How to make a bowl of cereal: *Stall karma is very important. Wow... I wrote this list as I was reading along everyone else's posts, and its length has frightened me just a little. May I point out that when I say "must," I really just mean "if at all possible, without making a scene"? I swear, I'm only compulsive when it doesn't inconvenience anyone else. IP: Logged |
Linda Forum Whore |
![]() quote: That's how I am in memorizing dates and phone numbers. Heh. I also need something to hug and cling to when i sleep still.. its usually my teddy bear I match my underwear with whatever I'm wearing.. I even managed to find blue plaid panties for this plaid flannel shirt i have. I have my bed side clock set 45 mintues faster.. to scare me into waking up since i'm a horrible procrastinator and depend on early early mornings to finish assignments.. my car clock is set 3 minutes early to get me to rush as well... i do not like being touched... or poked or tickled... but yet i love hugs. i dont like sleeping with my closet door openned cuz the clothes on the hangers make it look like theres someone in there.. lol. yeah okay. i feel exposed now IP: Logged |
shann Forum Diva |
![]() Oh my gosh! I'm not a freak! (Actually I am but so are all of you!) Kinipela6 - you are my new best friend. We have the excact same quirks! Lorelei_Lee, I can totally relate to you too. - TP...over the top
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Serenity13 Hardcore Squishite |
![]() I'm so glad I'm not alone! I got laughed at just last week because my CDs are in alphabetical order. Hanging clothes are divided up into: Jackets, pants, skirt (long), skirts (short), tops, dresses (long) and dresses (short). All hangers must face the wall and should preferably be the same colour (white). Each different 'section' of my cupboard must hang from light to dark. The stuff in my drawers in divided into: Shirts (short-sleeve), shirts (long-sleeve), underwear, pyjamas, shorts and leggings and socks and stockings. These are further split out into other types, but I won't bore you with those details! I also prefer solids to patterns. Oh, my shoes are also sorted out and grouped together, first by type then by colour. I have to check my handbag many times during the day or night and run a little checklist through my head: Cellphone, wallet, diary, hairbrush, keys, make-up bag, sunglasses. this habit is particularly apparent when I'm out somewhere and keep worrying about my bag falling over. Oh, I must also brush my hair about once every two hours (although I've managed to cut this down, as well as my applying perfume every two hours problem). I have to check that all my doors are locked at least twice at night, often getting out of bed to look again. Oh, I get out of bed to double-check that my stove is off too. I also used to drive past my house just to check that I had indeed closed the electric gates. Now they close automatically thank god. I can't sleep with my bedroom, bathroom or closet doors open. And that's not all! Hmmmm, maybe I am obsessive/compulsive..... IP: Logged |
Serenity13 Hardcore Squishite |
![]() Forgot one - I won't mix silver and gold jewellery either. I recently had to buy myself a silver watch because someone gave me a silver ring. IP: Logged |
Soshal Forum Whore |
![]() quote: LOL Jamie!! Are you mocking our poor obsessive souls?? You're so funny... IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: I do that too! I take it to new levels... it drives my husband nuts. I have to check even FIVE SECONDS after I lock the door... making sure it's really locked. When I leave the house it's like that too. I'll back all the way out of the garage before I close the garage door so I can see in there and make sure none of my kitties slipped out the door-I wouldn't want them to be stuck in the garage all day! Obsessive/Compulsive I truly think I am... cause there are a lot of things like this I do, all relating to the security of my house or the safety/well being of my cats. Shann, you brought to light some of the stuff I do too! I'm glad your my new BF. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() quote:
Did the person mocking you only own, like, four or something? Once you own more than fifty CDs, I don't see how you ever find anythign without them being in order! This is outdated, but I used to leave the shrinkwrap on my record albums until someone told me it made them warp. My albums were pristine (and alphabetical with the liner hole lined up with the jacket hole so I can just tip my album out into my hand) *until* I took what was left of the shrinkwrap off. I still wonder if they were fucking with my head on that one. IP: Logged |
Lorelei_Lee Practically Pamie |
![]() You know what? All this TP flap direction angst...when I buy a house one day, I will hang all my TP holders vertically. Damn it. This is too much stress. I'd might a blood vessel if someone went around and flipped all my TP so that the flap faced the wall. Well, not really, but I'd notice.... (I like ellipses too. I used to read them in my head as "and so on". IP: Logged |
Jamie Squishaholic |
![]() quote: Or you could get ones that can be rotated, so down-the-back folk can have it there way and it is easily returned to its over-the-top glory. IP: Logged |
tarepanda Stalker |
![]() OOOOH...I have a spooky habit that I found a bit disturbing...I count people, the # of people in the room, and then separate them by sex, age, race, etc. Anything will do when I am bored. My reasoning seems to be that if there was a tornado (my ichiban fear) that I would know who was missing...that's why it's spooky...and spooky that I cannot stop myself... "OK, that's seven, eight, STOP IT, nine, ten..." And for those who are like me, and you must sleep with some pillow, blanket, something in between your knees...check this out...it's called a bolster, and I found out about them from my asian friends, now I WILL NOT sleep without them...they shouldn't be that expensive, got mine for like $5 in Indonesia, so look around... Check em out here: http://store.yahoo.com/buyhammocks/pilset.html IP: Logged |
aellis Insomniac |
![]() quote: Being one of those old vinyl collectors myself, I can verify that the shrinkwrap will make them warp. The shrinkwrap contracts and will tighten around the jacket and bend the record. And here's another "thing" of mine. I ALWAYS aligned the liner hole at the "top" of the jacket (45 degrees off) so you COULDN'T just tip the record out. My brother and my friends were always putting them in the "wrong" way. But don't worry, I always went back and fixed them. And I was always uncomfortable putting a record back that DIDN'T have a liner. I never felt quite right about it. Damn, just reading this makes me realize how bizarre I was(am). IP: Logged |
rudergirl Padded to Get Here |
![]() Random things: **TP - over the top, and yes, I correct other peoples' toilet paper if I see that they've got it "wrong" **I alphabetize my cds, my books, and for a brief period in college, the food in my pantry **I name everything: plants, furniture, cars. Granted, I may not remember the names from one day to the next, but everything has a name. I usually don't share the names with other people, either, unless they ask (and they usually don't, you know) **The clothes in my closet are in a specific order that only I seem to understand. I used to have to have my socks all nice and orderly, but one college roommate couldn't stand that and would go in every day and mess up my sock drawer just to drive me insane. I eventually got over it. **Sometimes I'll get halfway to work and have to turn right around and drive home because I can't remember if I locked the door or not. Luckily I only live about 5 miles from the office. **My morning ritual: **I eat one thing at a time. I don't like for my food items to touch other food items, but I'm not obsessive about it. I know there are more, but I need to think about this one...isn't this enough for now? *grin* IP: Logged |
rudergirl Padded to Get Here |
![]() I remembered one more: I can't sleep with anything on my feet. No socks, no blankets, no sheets, nothing. They can't breathe! IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() rudergirl you crack me up! I *also* do things like you... Like, being halfway to work and turning around to check the locks on my house/if I shut my garage door/to make sure my kitties are okay and didn't get out. (I am anal about keeping them strictly-indoor cats, and freak if anyone leaves a door open for so much as 5 seconds with out watching closely... and every time anyone goes in or out of the door I watch like a hawk the opening of the door to make sure no kitties escape.) Written down, that sounds crazy... but I am so freakish when it comes to being the protector of my kitties. I always have to know where they are. I also hit the snooze for an hour at least every morning. My hubby hates it. IP: Logged |
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