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Author | Topic: what's your... "thing?" |
Erin Superstar |
![]() I've just realized lately that my 'thing' is that almost every time I eat, I almost *always* manage to get stuff in my hair. Chips, glaze from donuts, cookies ... all end up in my hair in some way. It amuses my friends, but it's kind of annoying having to pick stuff out my hair. People are going to start thinking I have bugs or something. IP: Logged |
inkdot Insomniac |
![]() I am constantly tapping my feet along to people's sentences, it's so weird! I like, count the syllables in them by going heel, to, heel, toe, always starting with my right heel. And it bothers me if the sentence or phrase doesn't end on my left toes. So I adjust it so it does. Agh, I'm such a freak!!!!! IP: Logged |
Desert Fox Insomniac |
![]() quote: YES! I am all about this weird behavior. Even if channel 2 has a song I haven't heard in ages and I love, love, love, I've got to cruise through the other channels first to make sure there's not something I'd rather hear. Except the NPR channel. I'm not that anal. Cheers, M. ------------------ IP: Logged |
GoesPow Science is Tight |
![]() If I'm eating Skittles or M&Ms, or any candy that comes in different colours, I have to eat them in a pattern. Like, red-green-red-green-red. OR, traffic light pattern, green-yellow/orange-red. Or a rainbow! Red-orange-yellow-green-purple. Whatever. But it *has* to be a pattern. IP: Logged |
cobra37 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() quote: i eat candy necklaces like that. then when theres only three or four colours left i turn them into a pattern. IP: Logged |
GoesPow Science is Tight |
![]() I refuse to use the redial button. Ever. I have to dial in the number every time. The onyl exception is in extreme cases of forgetfulness-and-not-having-the-number-written-down. IP: Logged |
cobra37 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() i just got a new cordless phone - a vtech one. and ive programmed the autodials on it but i wont use them. i dont trust them. i like to dial myself. and im not huge on redial anymore. i used to love those but nu-uh. not anymore. IP: Logged |
Drew Superstar |
![]() *HUGE bump* IP: Logged |
Kinipela6 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() Thanks for the Bumpin' Action, Drew! I love hearing about how I'm not the only freak in this world! IP: Logged |
Drew Superstar |
![]() I love to bump. Ok, my THINGS: -The blind in this room always has to be up, and, weather permitting, the window has to be open. -There always has to be music on in this room or else I can't function properly. -I don't use my lights in my room in the daytime. At all. I just go in there and do everything lightless when it's daytime outside. -MY Cds, except for my Sarah McLachlan CDs, are in a particular order that only changes when I buy a new CD. Everything else moves down a slot and the new CD gets the priveledge of filling hole on the last of the three Sarah McLachlan pages. -I do what Kinipela does. I have to go through all 6 presets in my parent's cars. I just do. -The toilet paper has to face forward. No reverse. -I hate pencils. I hate them more than you would ever realize. It PAINS me that we have to use pencils on scantron tests. I have about 15 pens around my room that I use. I have two out here at the moment, and a marker. -I prefer markers to crayons, though I like crayons as much as the next fat person. -I think someone else said this, but when I'm on the phone, I have to be doing at least one other thing. I can't sit there and have a conversation with soneone and be expected to just talk, and not be doing something. -When I wake up in the morning, this is my computer order: login Hotmail, respond to messages, send my friend Jordan a text message on her cell, check The Open Diary for notes, check my OD favorites and proceed to read entries, check Squishy, check the MBTV forums for the RW/RR Extreme Challenge and Survivor, sign on to AIM, IM whoever is there if I'm interested, sign into MSN too see if my alternate e-mail account has any messages, then surf. IP: Logged |
deyrtyd Science is Tight |
![]() Drew--WORD on the not using the lights in the daytime. it drives me insane when people turn on artifical lights in the daytime. it has to be pretty much full dark before i'll turn on an artificial light. IP: Logged |
cobra37 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() i just plain HATE overhead lights. any other kind - but not in the day. no overhead lights. i go to peoples houses andopen their curtains/blinds whatever. day light is good people. IP: Logged |
Colie Superstar |
![]() Here in the dorms, we're stuck with nasty florescent lights all. the. time. So I totally agree with the no artificial lights while it's light outside. Even when it's dark outside, we usually only have the christmas lights or something on. Florescent lights are eeeevil. IP: Logged |
blazer Hardcore Squishite |
![]() word word word, Drew. I hate me some artificial lights! Hate. them. IP: Logged |
Jessifer Bob |
![]() there are lots of things. most of them have been mentioned and i'm so glad i'm not the only freak. -if i'm eatting candy like m&m's, skittles, gummi bears, anything that has different colors, i have to eat them yellow, orange, red, brown, blue, green for m&m's.. yellow, orange, red, green, purple for skittles.. yellow, orange, red, green, white for gummies and 2 at a time. i won't eat any kind of those candies in a theater because i can't see the colors. -i have to have a certain order in the shower. shampoo, bodywash, conditioner, shave, bodywash. i can't do it any other way. -i do the preset thing. i have to go through them all. -i have to set my alarm for numbers that can be subtracted from eachother. not 8:00 but 8:17 because 8-1=7. or palindromic numbers, 7:07, 8:18... i'm a freak. -i find number and letter patterns in license plates and peoples phone numbers. it helps me memorize them. -when i get online, i have to open aim first then icq then ie, and i go first to squishy then my brother's journal and then my other bookmarked sites. -when i get in and out of bed, the shower, or when i walk into a room, it's always my right foot first. -when i get dressed i always go in order. bra, pants, shirt, socks, shoes. i can't put on my shirt before my pants are on. -toilet paper has to be flap over the top. -hangers have to have the open part facing the wall. i don't like the necks facing me. -my closet is organized by type of clothing (skirts, pants, shirts, etc.) then by color and fabric. -shower, brush teeth, deodorant, makeup, get dressed, hair. in that order or else my day is confused. -i eat my food counter clockwise. if there is chicken at the top of the plate, rice to the right and peas to the left, and i took a bite of chicken, i'd have to have a bite of peas next because it's to the left and counter clockwise. it's a disease people. it *has* to be that way. -all doors and drawers have to be closed for me to sleep. -i usually count the syllables in words in my head or make a lil song if someone else is talking. -i have to be cleaning or drawing or something when i'm talking on the phone. i can't just sit there and do nothing. -i spell out what i'm saying or what other people are saying in sign language. all. the. time. i'm not crazy, it's just a habit. -i associate numbers wih genders. 1 is male, 2 is female, 3 is female, 4 is male, 5 is male, 6 is female, 7 is male, 8 is female, 9 is female and 10 is male. i've always done that, i don't know what it means if anything. -i read everything. bottles, boxes, anything that has words on it. even if i've read it a hundred times. -face makeup, eye makeup(curl eyelashes, mascara, eyeliner), lipstick. if i go out of order my face looks wrong and i have to wash it off and start over again. -i turn repetative noises into songs(washing machine/dryer/microwave sounds.) -i can't have air from the heater blowing on me. i feel suffocated. i'd rather be cold. - i cant just scoop out icecream. the top has to be left flat. -at least one foot has to be uncovered or else they can't breathe. -all monetary bills have to be facing the same way. they can't be backwards or upside down. -everything has to end in even number. an even number of steps to the door, an even number of gulps in a glass. i can't drink something and only take one gulp, it has to be two, or an even number. there are more, i just can't think of the rest. IP: Logged |
sluggerina Stalker |
![]() quote: Fat people like crayons? Is this a commonly-known fact? *shrugs* I like 'em, too. My *things*: -I wear flip flops. All. year. round. I hate hate HATE wearing shoes. Except when it's rainy out, 'cause then my flip flops make me slip and fall. Not good. -I will NOT take the garbage out unless there are two bags: one for me, and one for my roommate. Yes, that means there is often a full bag of garbage sitting around. I can't help it. -My alarm clock must never be set to a round number. If I have to get up at eight, it's 8:02. For nine, it's 9:02 or 9:03, depending on my mood. For ten, it's 10:06. If for some reason I had to get up at seven, it'd be 7:03 for sure. -I can't buy CD's (unless I already know they're horrible) because what if I don't like them? I borrow my roommate's instead. -I do not decorate. If I put something up, I know I would stop liking it, and then I would have to take it down. But I CAN'T take it down! Not until I move, at which point, I must throw it all away and start over. -I'm addicted to my thesaurus. I've been known to consult it in the midst of a spoken conversation. IP: Logged |
penelope Squishite |
![]() I'm sooo glad to know that others have "things" and, in some cases, more than me. It's a comfort. * I CANNOT sleep with socks on. * My pillow must be flat and completely autonomous on the bed. * I can't mix metals either, which is a drag because my favorite belt is black with a gold buckle and most of my jewelry is silver. * Speaking of jewelry, I hate it on men and will be unable to take them seriously unless they remove the offending item. Watches and wedding rings are ok. * I have to go down into my basement during monthly Monday tornado drills because what if a tornado comes while they're testing and everyone discounts the warning and gets flattened? * I have to finish EVERY book I start, even the horrible sucky ones. * I have to proofread all of my email for spelling and grammar errors because people who just hit "send" after any old bunch of crap seem like slackers to me. * Along this vein, mispellings and grammar errors on billboards and in periodicals drive me insane. * Quaint spellings such as "yo olde shoppe" make me physically uncomfortable and I would never patronize an establishment named thusly. * I have several sets of panties that have the days of the week printed on them and I wouldn't be caught dead with the wrong day on. This is problematic on Saturday nights so I consciously wear plain panties. * I take special issue with people who call others "dude." That's plenty of madness for one day, no? IP: Logged |
obynRay Forum Diva |
![]() I'm a syllable counter. With fingers. But I don't tap out thumb, pointer, middle, ring, pinkie. I tap thumb, middle, pinkie, pointer, ring. If I cannot tap, my joints will just sort of jerk in rhythm. Straw wrappers must be rolled up. All of them. The worst is sounds. I cannot have too many sounds, and sometimes I cannot have any sound. In the car, the radio can only be on if the fan is on low. If the fan goes up, the music goes off. At home, if the TV is on, there can be no water running. If the washer and dryer are going, I can either go to the bedroom and read quietly, or leave the house. If only the dryer is on, I can run water or watch TV. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can the TV and the stereo be on at the same time. I don't care if headphones are being used. This is unacceptable behavior. I am also a compulsive tweezer. I cannot use the bathroom (pooping) if anyone besides Nathan is in the house. He must be at the far end of the house. Because we have no lock, and because we are so co-dependent, I have had to learn to do it with him in the house, but the fan must be going and sometimes water must be running. If possible, both the fan and the heater fan, but then no water because that's too much noise. Sometimes, I just plain cannot go until he's out of the house. Then the doors must be locked. There can never be "snow" on TV. That white noise makes me want to kill myself. We bought a TV specifically because it has an automatic control that mutes if there is snow on the channel. I have to stop before I fill up the entire page. This is serious stuff, ya'll. I didn't even mention the gum chewing to the beat of words on TV. Or counting steps. Or marking the words to songs with footsteps. It's amazing that they allow me to leave the house. IP: Logged |
FancyFish13 Squishite |
![]() My things are mostly food related: When eating larger cereal like Frosted Mini Wheats, I have a cup of milk and a bowl of cereal. The wheats are dunked one at a time and just long enough to get some milk on them without getting soggy. Has to be crunchy. If the cereal is small, I slowly pour and stir to apply a light coating of milk on each piece without leaving *any* remaining milk in the bottom of the bowl. I have to save the best for last. I decide right away which is the best part of the meal and make sure that is the last bite I have. Like sandwiches - hurry and eat the crust first to get it over with. I can't be left with an unsatisfying taste in my mouth when I'm finished. I can't eat *anything* that has come close to touching a pickle. I just can't stress this enough. Once the offending pickle has been removed from the plate I have to mop up the toxic juice it left behind with a napkin. Then each food item is inspected and sniffed before it is eaten. I have to rearrange the dish placement in the dishwasher if my husband loads it. Certain dishes have claimed their space in the washer and it has to be that way or the whole system is thrown off. IP: Logged |
sluggerina Stalker |
![]() quote: Word. Forgot that one. It's like a crime against nature. IP: Logged |
Loiosh Forum Diva |
![]() quote:
My car, tho. No name for that. It's a white mercury tracer, good condition, with many bumper stickers on the rear (and side) windows, tho - suggestions welcome! ;-)
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Loiosh Forum Diva |
![]() quote: Ooooh, drool. Envy envy envy. Someone gave me his Blue Ginger cookbook a few Christmas's ago, and I literally bounced off the sofa I was on, I was *so* excited. IP: Logged |
larisa Rockstar |
![]() I can not stand open toilets. Perhaps it is because I have had my own bathroom since I was eight or so and the lid is ALWAYS down when I am not on it. My fiance is a typical guy and leaves the seat up. When he does this I can not go in the bathroom. No matter how bad I have to pee I can't do it! I can't bring myself to go near that awful open toilet. It petrifies me; mostly because I am convinced that I am going to drop somthing in if I go near it. Also because its just... gross. I have to call him in to close the damn thing so that I can go near it. If he is not home and I really can't wait for him to get home I tiptoe in and reach for the top of the lid, looking anywhere but towards the bowel and careful to keep my body as far away as possible. With one finger I gingerly push it hard enough to send the lid (and seat if it too is raised.. which it usually is..) crashing down while I turn and bolt from the bathroom. Even though I will just raise the lid again I can't approach the toilet if it is down. I have no problem in public restrooms where the toilets don't have lids. Just at home. I am also usually okay in bathrooms at friend's houses, just so long as they don't have a particularly nasty looking toilet. I have issues. IP: Logged |
lynie Squishaholic |
![]() Well... I am not nicknamed "blanket lady" for nothing. When in bed, my sheets and blankets have to be as flat as possible, and an equal amount of material should be hanging from each side of the bed. Also, I can't sleep without socks or a bra. I don't like titties flying around, possibly slapping me in the face. My feet have bad circulation so once the socks are off, I shiver like a maniac. I don't wear nightgowns, I prefer boxers or pants because my thighs rub against each other and that's just nasty. Whenever I eat at fastfood joints (burgers or subs), the wrapper *MUST* remain on my sandwich. I laugh at people who have a hard time keeping their laps clean and whose condiments and toppings fall off. Ha! I don't leave the water running when I brush my teeth. Must conserve water! however, the tap is turned on just before I spit, to prevent toothpaste from sticking to the sink. When done eating, one must throw out remnants of food on plate in trash, rinse plate thoroughly, then stack 'em up on the counter. NOT in the sink, because I might have to use water sometime. If pots and pans are used, no water should be left sitting in them. Once the time arrives to clean, I don't like seeing filth being poured out. If you pull out a chair from under a table, please please please put it back when you're done! My toes don't appreciate being stubbed. I think that's it! IP: Logged |
GAChick Squishaholic |
![]() Robyn- Amen on the compulsive tweezing. I don't have many things, but that's definitely one. IP: Logged |
kallerina Forum Diva |
![]() quote:
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kallerina Forum Diva |
![]() quote: I forgot this one. My fiance knows better than to leave the toilet seat up now. I hate it. It makes me feel like all the ickie germs are coming out the toilet and into my breathing space. *ugh* IP: Logged |
aellis Insomniac |
![]() quote: Jessifer - Did you notice that all the "male" numbers are mainly made up of straight lines while all the "female" numbers are mostly rounded and curved? Hmm... very Freudian. IP: Logged |
starlight Winner |
![]() I forget if I mentioned this before [too lazy to go back and see], but did I ever say: I always say "oops!" [even when no one is in the room] when I bump into something or mess something up and then I say, "damnit..no, no! shut. UP!" I think I'm just fed up that it's like a reflex. it just comes out of my mouth before I can stop it even though it doesn't matter if no one saw :\ I always press on my stomach to see if I should go to the bathroom even if I know I have to go...I guess it's just to make sure it's not one of those "fake" ones where as soon as you're there ya don't have to go anymore. I figure if I press hard enough, it'll be hard to not go...ummm....yeah, childish. I don't do this if in public but then I usually don't use public restrooms often. feel free to not talk to me after this known fact! I always check for good golden chips in a bag of lay's...ya know? I won't just grab mindlessly in a bag. I'll actually peer in and go, "hrm, before I stop eating, I must eat that lovely golden twisty one in the corner and oooh, ooh that lovely little curled one over there and that crispy one there!" it's just one of those things.. WORD on the artifical light...I usually just open the blinds to bring light to a room. if it's dark out is the only time I'll turn on the lights. why waste energy? contradicting that statement - I almost always leave the tv on. this is more of a "I'm lonely and don't want to hear evil noises in the house" feeling. better to have a nice cheerful tv on in the background than nothing. keeps me in a right mindframe. I always play with my napkins...fold, unfold, wipe mouth excessively, stick on mouth to be silly. if a napkin or kleenex isn't around, I do go crazy. I think that's quite enough for now. hope I haven't repeated myself. who knows what I already let out anyway. I usually cover my eyes when done. IP: Logged |
Jessifer Bob |
![]() quote: yeah, i noticed that. they've always been that way.. since i learned to count and knew what numbers were. altho i didn't really think about it til now. heh. IP: Logged |
vinne Insomniac |
![]() At restaurants, I have to move my drink from my right to my left or I will proceed to knock it over within minutes of it being set on the table. There are others, but I ran out of Squishy time. IP: Logged |
cobra37 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() i was just camping so i was doing a lot of changing clothes in the bathroom (heated in there!!!) and id tie that in with a bathroom trip.. so even though i was going to change my underwear/pants id pull them up after using the toilet before pulling them down to change them. every time. IP: Logged |
vinne Insomniac |
![]() I hate dripping water faucets. I always check the faucets in bathrooms that I use, and even if none are dripping, I tighten the knobs before I leave, just to make sure no stray droplets squeeze out. IP: Logged |
ciesse Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() TP: front. I twitch my toes in time with the music I'm listening to - especially if it's got an interesting time signature. If I'm watching TV or reading, I'll just twitch my toes randomly. I like to keep the sides balanced, but with music it's not necessary. When I'm nervous I trace around my thumbnail with the index finger of the same hand in alternating directions. If I trace the nail clockwise 4 times, I have to trace it anticlockwise 4 times to balance things out. It's usually 2 or 4 times - I have a thing about powers of 2. If I step on a crack (or different type of pavement, tram line, tile, etc) with one foot, I have to step on the same thing with my other foot to balance things out. This also applies if I step parallel to a pole, when there's absolutely no difference in the feel of the ground. If I don't do this, my feet feel strange until I forget about it. If I remember an occasion where I didn't balance things - like when we went to Melbourne on holiday and I stepped on a tram line with one foot - then my feet feel strange again. I can sort-of taste colours, and although I can't name a flavour I can say what colour it is. I know there's a difference between lemon and strawberry because one tastes yellow and the other tastes pink, but don't ask me to give the names. I will occasionally come out with reactions like "this application feels like my earrings" - and I'll know exactly what I mean, but I can't explain it. I can't leave e-mail messages unread, even if it's from reception and the subject line tells me all I need to know. Excuse me while I attend to my Inbox. IP: Logged |
cobra37 Punk Ass Bitch |
![]() when im walking/running and im going fast i think about my breathing, i always breathe in on two consecutive steps, then out on two. usually my lungs just take over and stop listening to my head and that really bugs me when its all out of sync.. IP: Logged |
vinne Insomniac |
![]() I need my CDs and videos to be pretty. I arrange them so that the colors of their cases fit some pattern; cases of the same color are not permitted to be near one another unless I'm trying to alternate 2 or 3 colors as part of a color scheme. When I set a playlist on Napster to listen to in the morning before going to class, I make sure that I have exactly enough songs to fill the amount of time that I have because I feel lopsided if the list begins again and I don't have enough time to let all the songs play through again. IP: Logged |
ducky Insomniac |
![]() quote: Why don't you just sleep with your head at the other end of the bed? Wouldn't that re-situate your whole body, and thusly making everything okay? ![]() [This message has been edited by ducky (edited March 27, 2001).] IP: Logged |
ducky Insomniac |
![]() oh and i forgot...
quote: As it should be!! IP: Logged |
PowderSummit_Bird Squishite |
![]() I jerk off to my own beautiful reflection in the bathroom everyday while my girlfriend waits for me in bed reading gay Nicholas Sparks and scary Susan Faludi books. That's my thang. It's great huh IP: Logged |
Jessifer Bob |
![]() quote: because my head has to at the part of the bed that has wall on the top and the side. if i put my head where my feet are now, i wouldn't have wall at the top of my head, only on the side of me. does that make sense? [This message has been edited by Jessifer (edited March 27, 2001).] IP: Logged |
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